5 Ways to Appreciate Cultures Without Cultural Appropriation

group of multiracial women sitting together
Photo by RF._.studio

Cultural appropriation is one of those topics that almost always spark heated debates and interesting conversations. While appreciating and participating in cultures different than your own is a beautiful thing, there’s a line between appreciation and appropriation that many people seem to cross. Let’s break down 5 respectful ways you can celebrate other cultures without stepping on anyone’s toes or taking from something you don’t belong to:

Do your homework!

woman in brown long sleeve shirt reading bookPhoto by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Ever been to a party and had no clue what was going on? That's what it's like when you dive into another culture without learning about it first. Before you do anything, take some time to understand the history, significance, and context behind the cultural practices or celebrations that you want to appreciate and respect. Read books, watch documentaries, or even better, chat with people from that culture. It's like traveling the world without leaving your couch and it will allow you to make informed decisions about how you participate in the culture.

Support authentic sources

Latina vendor at local market

Photo by Ali Alcántara

You know that cool-looking sombrero at the store? It might look nice, but it's probably mass-produced without any respect for its cultural significance. Instead, buy directly from artisans or businesses that honor the culture they're part of. This way, you're supporting the community and getting genuinely meaningful items that you can collect. Think of it as your way of saying, "I see you, and I respect your work."

Participate instead of imitating

woman in black leather jacket beside woman in black and white stripe shirtPhoto by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Ever been invited to a friend's cultural event? That's your golden ticket to participation! Always ask if there's a dress code or any customs you should be aware of. Being part of the celebration is a beautiful way to show appreciation. Just remember, it's their show – you’re there to enjoy and learn, not steal the spotlight. This applies to anything that pertains to a specific culture, not just cultural events and celebrations. Participating instead of imitating will keep you away from the appropriation side of things.

Check and assess your motives

Woman looking thoughtfulPhoto by Peyman Shojaei on Unsplash

Before you rock that trendy outfit inspired by another culture, like wearing hoop earrings or rocking hair braids the way Latinas do, ask yourself why you’re doing it. Is it because you truly admire and respect the culture, or is it just because it's “in”? If it's all about joining a trend, maybe think twice about it. Authentic appreciation comes from the heart, not from a desire to look cool on Instagram.

Become a cultural ally

Group of friends uniting hands

Photo by Diva Plavalaguna

If you see someone else crossing the line into appropriation territory, politely call it out and share what you’ve learned about appreciation vs. appropriation. Being an ally is an honest and impactful way to participate in someone else’s culture. So stand up for respectful representation any chance you get and help others understand why it matters. Help spread knowledge and you can make a positive impact!

Appreciating other cultures can be an enriching experience when done with respect and awareness. It's all about connection, community, and genuine admiration. So, go out there, learn, participate, and share.

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