Surviving Awkward Family Questions: A Latina's Stress-Free Holiday Guide!

Latin family celebrating the holidays

Let’s be real; the holiday season tends to be romanticized as a bright, joyful time full of family, food, and magic. And sure, it can be all that, but more often than not, there’s some tension, stress, and awkwardness sprinkled in.

The thing with a lot of Latino families is that they tend to unknowingly overstep boundaries. Some of us may find it hard to reinforce those boundaries or even speak up and tell our loved ones when they’ve said something hurtful. As a result, we may find ourselves sitting at the table with a nudo en la garganta that ruins the tamales we’re trying to enjoy.

Rather than wasting your precious energy explaining why asking when someone is planning to get pregnant isn’t appropriate, we gathered a few of the most intrusive and tired questions we hear every holiday season and put together some respectful responses.

There is a way to protect your boundaries while still acknowledging that your family’s beliefs and lifestyles may be different from our own.

The age-old questions about “traditional” family

Y el novio, mija?” could very well be the most commonly asked question, especially if you’re a woman. The question might actually be well-intentioned sometimes (we’ll assume some people mean well and are not just looking for some chisme), but it is deeply rooted in machismo culture and the assumption that, first of all, you should be in a stable, heterosexual relationship because that’s what’s “normal,” is entirely inaccurate.

Second, that you should be in a long-term committed relationship by now ’cause you’re a señorita and the train is leaving the station soon is ageist, and also inaccurate These archaic assumptions then lead to the conclusion that if you haven’t yet landed that soon-to-be husband then something is wrong with you.

The emotional and mental damage that this causes really requires that you learn how to put an end to this question.

One might think if you do, in fact, have a novio, you might be spared from this torturous interrogation. But no, you might get hit with the “y para cuando la boda?” or even worse, the dreaded “para cuando el bebé?

Childfree women are dramatically increasing because today’s world is vastly different from the world our grandparents or even our parents grew up in. About 44% of people between the ages of 18 and 49 are simply uninterested in having kids of their own. Roughly one-third of adults claim they are either unsure about marrying or do not want to marry at all. Aside from that, fertility issues are becoming more common than ever, with Latinas and other WOC showing a disproportionate amount of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in their bodies that may be harming their reproductive health.

Bottom line is we don’t need to be reminded that our biological clock is ticking. If we’re not already starting a “traditional” family, it’s probably because either we can’t or we do not want to at the time, or maybe ever. Either way, it is a deeply personal issue that should probably not be discussed over romeritos and bacalao.

A way to redirect the conversation is to instead ask them about their personal projects and interests.

The question can be answered (or ignored if you choose) with a simple “no,” then redirected with a, “So, prima, what have you been up to these days?” Or, “Have you finally taken up that new hobby we talked about last year, tía?” “How’s it going with your salsa classes, sis?”

Remember, there’s just so much more to a person than who they’re with or what their family may look like so despite that being the center of their worlds, simply and genuinely inquiring about something else in their world will often do the trick to shutting down those intrusive questions.

Aprende de tu prima

Living up to our family’s expectations is never easy, and it can certainly take a toll on those who have strayed from the “ideal” path one is expected to follow. As the eldest granddaughter, trust me, I would know.

I got hit with the “aprende de tu prima” card the second my younger cousin announced her engagement. And although it was “all in good fun,” I couldn’t help but feel a hint of shame that just didn’t belong to me; it was bestowed upon me the minute someone made the comparison between us two. “You should’ve gone first because you’re the eldest!”

It’s silly the way our family expects us to act as if we’re on a conveyor belt that takes us from school to school ’til we get a bachelor’s degree, then score a well-paid job, find true love, get married, start a family, have our offspring go through the exact same thing until eventually, we reunite with whoever sent us to this earth in the first place.

It’s just so unattainable it seems weird to even imagine comparing people based on where they’re currently at in their lives and then expecting every single person to do life exactly the same

What makes us interesting is our unique stories and what we bring to the table as individuals. So instead of comparisons, we can show appreciation and gratitude to our loved ones for what they are instead of what we expect them to be. This is perfectly ok to explain in response to this horrid question.

Ay, mija, estás embarneciendo

For the longest time, I didn’t even know what “embarneciendo” meant, just that my abuelita said it to me and my primas almost every time we got together. Eventually, I learned it meant that I was putting on some weight. To make it sound less critical, sometimes they would describe it as “healthy weight.”

In many Latino families, commenting on other people’s bodies is usually considered normal. It often starts from a very young age and might affect how we see ourselves and others throughout our whole lives. These comments might be disguised as coming from a place of concern. Still, hearing them can be very detrimental to our self-esteem and self-image, especially when we’ve been trying so hard to work on that ourselves.

Not to mention others might not be aware of the mental and physical health issues one might be facing that can manifest as weight gain or weight loss. Yep, “te ves más flaca” isn’t exactly a compliment, either, even though people might mean it as one.

Old habits die hard, and despite feeling annoyed every time you hear it, you might actually say these things too. Appearance is so ingrained in both American and Latino culture that we sometimes don’t even realize we are participating in the same behavior we dislike.

Fortunately, there are many ways we can compliment others without commenting on their weight or appearance. Bet your tía spent hours mastering a new healthy recipe. Ooh, la prima absolutely slayed her last exam. And abuela, your dichos are hilarious, tell us more!

See? That wasn’t so hard!

It’s never too late to change, and although it may seem like things have been a certain way forever, change is gradual, and we are all learning as we go. Although it may not seem like it, the mere act of speaking up about how something makes you feel can make waves and eventually help reshape the way your family interacts with one another, one Navidad at a time.

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Today is Earth Day, a day established in 1970 to celebrate our planet and remind ourselves that, despite billionaire side rocket projects and talks about moving to other planets, trillions of humans need this planet to survive.

Earth is facing unprecedented attacks on its ecosystems, from deadly ozone-attacking gasses to deforestation that’s literally ripping out the lungs of the world to a mountain of discarded polysynthetic clothes in the country of Chile that can be seen from the sky. For 14 years, no rain has fallen in Alto Hospicio or the surrounding Atacama Desert region, where tons of clothes are discarded from all over the world.

The dry conditions of the desert, coupled with the nonbiodegradable, predominantly synthetic, petroleum-derived fibers used in modern clothes, meant that the pile never shrank. Instead, for more than two decades, it grew, and with every discarded item, it grew so large it could be seen from space. Startups like Ecocitex are helping solve the issue by recycling discarded clothes and turning them into raw materials. However, the problem requires government action.

On that front, efforts have been underway since 2016 to add textiles to the Extended Liability of the Producer law, or REP law for short, which makes producers and importers accountable for wasting specified materials. Tomás Saieg, head of the Chilean environment ministry’s Circular Economy Office, said to National Geographic, “Converting Chile from a junkyard into a recycling hub would be the dream, but first we have to add textiles to the REP law.

Collective Devastation: Human Rights, Environmental, Late Stage Capitalism

Considering the speed at which fashion trends come and go, and the recent enormous transfer of wealth to billionaires from the middle and working class, it’s only natural that today’s shoppers would be happy to find affordable fashionable options that keep up with fashion trends.

Now add on deeply acculturated consumerism that has people fist-fighting over travel cups and coveting the latest fashion trend that a social media star just talked about, and we have all the ingredients for fast fashion brands to rise like flames for the fashion-hungry moths to gravitate towards.

Fast fashion, pushed by giant brands like Zara, H&M, Forever 21, SHEIN, Fashion Nova, ASOS, and more, has made these companies some of the biggest faces of modern consumerism. These brands are also some of the biggest representatives of unsafe working conditions and wage theft of workers who are often forced to work more than 75 hours per week.

The human devastation these brands, individually and collectively, are causing is, sadly, not being taken seriously by the consumers who continue to provide billions of dollars a year to each of these companies.

As that $8 shirt is shipped from across the world in plastic bags that will end up in landfills, the fast fashion industry also consumes around 93 billion cubic meters of water a year. That’s enough to meet the water needs of as many as 5 million people. Moreover, according to the UN, this industry is responsible for 2 to 8 percent of global carbon emissions.

Fast fashion’s water impact and carbon emissions are not the only issues, though. The environmental impact of this industry runs deeper, not to mention the social impact side of the coin. The more is known about it, the more informed decisions can be made.

The dark side of fashion needs as much light shone on it as possible.

The rise of fast fashion

Because of the clear harm that the fast fashion industry is causing, it’s one of the most talked about problems in conversations about fashion, sustainability, and environmental conservation. The term itself, “fast fashion,” refers to clothes that are cheaply and quickly made based on the latest trends, allowing brands to fully capitalize on the hype without making big investments.

While fast fashion has skyrocketed in recent years, it has been around since the early 1990s, starting with the fashion store chain Zara’s lighting-fast supply chain. The design, production, distribution, and marketing of fast fashion are lightning-fast, which is how fast fashion brands can offer so much variety at such low prices.

However, if there’s a piece of life wisdom that most people know, it’s that nothing in life is free, everything comes at a price. The price of getting dirt-cheap clothes quickly delivered to our doorstep is paid not only by the environment but also by millions of workers who barely get paid for back-breaking, often unsafe work.

The dark side of fast fashion

As a business model, fast fashion is undeniably profitable, but if we dive deeper, is the damage really worth it? From water depletion to carbon emissions, the industry is notorious for its trail of destruction. It’s also notorious for its waste. As of 2023, 97 million tons of textile waste pile up in landfills every year. This number is predicted to continue rising, with the average American discarding as much as 81.5 pounds of clothes every year.

Moreover, clothing usage has plummeted by almost 40% as people only use garments 7 to 10 times before they dispose of them. The lower the quality of the clothing is, the faster it’s discarded. By 2030, the fashion industry's global emissions are poised to skyrocket by 50% if nothing is done about fast fashion’s impact. When it comes to water waste, fast fashion accounts for 20% of global wastewater.

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Not only that, fast fashion also pollutes water resources due to practices like fabric dying and treatment, which involve chemicals. Those chemicals are infused into the water, including things like heavy metals, pesticides, dyes, oil, phenol, and more. In turn, that polluted water can contaminate streams and groundwater. If that water is used for irrigating crops, the food growing out of them will also be contaminated.

Synthetic fibers like polyester and nylon, which are staples in fast fashion, pose yet another threat. These materials take centuries to biodegrade, shedding microplastics with each wash. Those microplastics find their way into the oceans, contaminating marine life and ecosystems. It’s estimated that 35% of ocean microplastics come from textile laundering.

Of course, the impact of fast fashion extends beyond the environment. In developing economies, where much of fast fashion production takes place, exploitation is a huge issue. Forced labor, child labor, and awful working conditions are staples in the industry. As is often the case, marginalized communities bear the brunt of it.

A better alternative to fast fashion

As more and more people become aware of the high cost of fast fashion, the slow fashion movement gains more traction. This movement advocates for sustainable practices, mindful consumption, and ethical production. Leaning on slow fashion practices can be an antidote to the rampant consumerism fast fashion inspires.

A lot of people rely on fast fashion because they feel it’s their only alternative to creating a wardrobe. After all, high-quality pieces that are made to last are investments and they can be quite expensive. However, it’s important to remember those aren’t the only options. While saving up to build a more sustainable wardrobe is possible, alternatives like recycling, thrifting, and even renting clothes are great ways to exercise your power as a consumer to effect change. Of course, it’s also possible to abstain from buying clothes altogether when you already have a wardrobe you can work with.

No matter how attractive fast fashion may be, its cost to our planet and our fellow humans is a high price to pay. On this Earth Day, you can be more mindful of how your consumer choices accelerate climate destruction. You can also learn ways to decelerate it by creating more sustainable habits, such as adjusting your attitude about clothes, being more mindful of the clothes you buy, and choosing carefully what kind of brands you support with your hard-earned dollars.

Dining at Michelin-starred restaurants promises a high-end foodie experience without comparison. Among the sea of options in the Michelin Guide, you’ll find plenty of Latino restaurants that offer traditional Latin American flavors or Latin American flavors with a bit of a spin to them. Elcielo Miami, Imperfecto, and Causa stand out with their Michelin stars. However, whether they have a star or not, these restaurants have the Michelin stamp of approval and they offer unique dining experiences. Here are some of the best options to consider:


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Located in New York and founded in 2008 by Antonio Vilchis and his business partner Ismael Gonzales, Mexicosina is a powerhouse in south-central Mexican food. This restaurant is known for its vibrant decor and authentic Mexican feel. Mexicosina has a “Bib Gourmand” distinction on the Michelin Guide, which means it’s a quality restaurant. The Michelin Guide recommends the tlayuda from their menu, a dish that consists of a crunchy tortilla base topped with refried black beans, chicharrón, Oaxaca cheese, and more. You will also find standouts like goat stew, lamb barbacoa tacos, delicious salsas, and refreshing drinks like horchata, agua fresca, and more.

Casa Ora

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Also located in New York, Casa Ora is a Venezuelan restaurant founded by chef Isbelis Diaz and Ivo Diaz, her son. This restaurant featured in the Michelin Guide is known for its great variety of Venezuelan dishes, which are as authentic as they get. They even serve their food on artisanal pieces made by Venezuelan artist Victor Serrano, providing an experience for all the senses. Their empanadas are one of the standout dishes, but other popular options include asado negro, arepas, bollitos pelones, and more.


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Located in Los Angeles, Dama offers Latin American and American Contemporary cuisine. The restaurant is known for its Caribbean aesthetic and for how satisfying the food is, which earned it a spot on the Michelin Guide. They have a varied menu that includes delicious options like dry-aged ribeye, which can be paired with salsa verde for heavenly tacos, arepas, tostadas, empanadas, and more. Dama also serves some killer cocktails with Latin American vibes like piña colada, “Latin lover,” and more.

Llama Inn

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Another great option in the Big Apple is the Llama Inn, a Peruvian restaurant with a Bib Gourmand distinction. The Llama Inn is known for its modern ambiance and for taking Peruvian cuisine to another level. Chef Erik Ramirez brings his unique vision, providing fresh and fun dishes that elevate Peruvian staples like anticuchos, which are usually beef skewers, but Llama Inn offers options like beef hearts and scallops. They’re accompanied by coconut rice, corn, and salsa, reflecting Peru’s richness of ingredients.

Elcielo Miami

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Miami’s population is 70% Latino, so there are hundreds of Latin American restaurants to check out. If you’re going for a Michelin star experience, Elcielo Miami offers that. Founded in 2015 by Colombian Chef Juan Manuel Barrientos, this restaurant is high-end and has earned one Michelin star. Chef Barrientos uses avant-garde cooking techniques and local organic products to offer an elevated experience of Colombian cuisine. “The Experience” consists of a variety of small bites that lead up to the main courses, telling a story with Latin American flavors. They’re known for their dramatic dish presentations and bold flavors, so it’s an unforgettable experience.

Azul Mariscos

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Located in Chicago, Azul Mariscos offers a Pan-Mexican menu that will blow you away. Their specialty is Latin-inspired seafood dishes, so that’s what they’re known for. Among the most popular options on the menu, there’s the grilled pineapple stuffed with octopus, Chihuahua cheese, and a delicious Chipotle sauce, and their incredible seafood paella. Every dish they offer has well-rounded flavors and impressive aesthetic presentations, not to mention the ambiance is vibrant and welcoming. Another great recommendation from the Michelin Guide!


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In Washington, Imperfecto is the place to visit for Michelin-starred Latino dishes. Imperfecto offers the “One Michelin Star Experience” at their Communical Chef Table and it consists of an incredible tasting menu of over 10 courses. The menu takes you on a ride from South America to the Mediterranean, through a variety of dishes. Imperfecto is one of the restaurants under the Seven Reasons Group, which also includes the Seven Reasons restaurant, which offers a varied menu with dishes from Venezuela, Peru, and the Caribbean. That’s also worth checking out!


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Featured in the Michelin Guide and located in Costa Mesa, Habana is a bit of a hidden gem and it offers a taste of Cuba. Their menu provides a lot of variety, so you’ll find dishes like pork croquetas, empanadas with different kinds of filling, sandwiches, traditional options like ropa vieja, a dish that consists of shredded beef, sofrito black beans, buttered white rice, and sweet plantains, and much more. “El Churrasco” is another standout dish with grilled skirt steak, chimichurri, and corn on the cob; perfect for meat lovers! They also have “Mojito Mondays,” where they offer a variety of mojitos, including pineapple mojitos, toasted coconut mojitos, and more.

Cafe La Trova

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The Cafe La Trova is a great option in Miami if you’re looking for high-quality Cuban and Latin American dishes. Chef Michelle Bernstein is of Jewish and Latin American descent, so the menu features Cuban classics like lechon, which is braised mojo marinated pork shoulder, Cuban sandwich empanadas, arroz con pollo (rice with chicken), and more. Their range of Cuban-inspired cocktails and beers is also worth exploring!


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We’re closing this list with another restaurant in Washington! Causa has one Michelin star and it offers a tasting experience inspired by the topography of Peru. Chef Carlos Delgado created this experience to deliver a taste of Peru, where he was born, taking diners from Lima to the Andes and beyond. This one Michelin star tasting experience includes Peruvian dishes like causa, which consists of mashed potatoes topped with tuna tartare, and bomba rice. The tasting menu can also be paired with Pisco, which is a great opportunity to explore Peru’s national spirit.

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The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) is the final arbiter of the law. That means it exists to ensure equal justice under the law and interpret the U.S. Constitution effectively. As such, their decisions have a profound impact on American law and society, shaping it for years to come. The problem is that SCOTUS doesn’t always make the best decisions. Sometimes, SCOTUS decisions are downright harmful, negatively impacting everyone.

To put this into perspective, let’s look at the top 5 most controversial SCOTUS rulings in recent years and the harm they’ve done.

Reproductive Rights: Roe v. Wade Overturned

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In the 70s, Norma McCorvey, aka Jane Roe, became pregnant for the third time as a single mom in Texas. She decided she didn’t want a third child, but Texas law prohibited abortions, so McCorvey and her lawyers challenged the law’s constitutionality arguing that it violated her right to privacy.

Ultimately, the case reached the Supreme Court, where a 7-2 ruling determined that a woman's decision to have an abortion fell within her constitutional right to privacy. This legalized abortion nationwide and guaranteed women the right to terminate unwanted pregnancies.

Roe v. Wade divided the nation into those who supported the right to life for unborn children and those who supported women’s right to choose. 50 years later, in 2022, this landmark legislation was overturned by SCOTUS in a 6-3 decision. With this legal protection out of the way, individual states are allowed to restrict or fully ban abortions, and that’s exactly what has been happening since.

This SCOTUS ruling has had catastrophic effects, with maternal mortality rising in states where abortion is either restricted or banned. Moreover, abortion bans and restrictions disproportionately affect Black and Latino women, with many losing their lives. Particularly in states like Texas, where Latinos make up 40.2% of the population and abortions are banned after 6 weeks–before many women even realize they’re pregnant.

Affirmative Action: Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College and Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. University of North Carolina

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The 2023 rulings in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College and Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. University of North Carolina sent shockwaves through the space of higher education. In a 6-3 decision, SCOTUS ended affirmative action policies.

That means that federal-funded American public or private universities can’t consider students’ race in their admissions process. Any advantages given to Black and Latino applicants for a variety of reasons, such as increasing diversity and battling discrimination, no longer exist. This disproportionately affects Black and Latino students.

While college applicants can still discuss how race has influenced their lives in personal essays, this doesn’t lessen the broader impact of the ruling. Dismantling affirmative action policies, which existed to level the playing field for historically disadvantaged racial groups, has led to a decline in minority representation in universities.

The implications for Latino students are particularly noticeable, as one of the groups who benefited most from affirmative action. This SCOTUS ruling severely limits Latinos’ ability to access selective colleges and, therefore, their ability to improve their economic status.

Immigration: United States v. Texas

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In 2023, the Supreme Court determined, with an 8-1 decision, that Texas’ deportation law, Senate Bill 4, would go into effect. SB 4 makes it a state crime to cross the border of Mexico and Texas between entry ports. Essentially, anyone suspected of illegally crossing the border could be stopped, detained, and charged with a Class B misdemeanor, facing up to 6 months in jail.

This SCOTUS ruling revises immigration law and limits immigrants’ ability to cross safely into the United States and request asylum. Moreover, it exposes Latinos, even those who have citizenship or permanent residency, to racial profiling. They may now be more likely to be suspected of and harassed by law enforcement simply because they’re not white or don’t look American.

SB 4 also risks damaging the relationship between law enforcement and local immigrant communities. It blurs the lines between federal immigration authorities and local law enforcement, causing fear among unauthorized immigrants and their families about interacting with law enforcement due to deportation risks. This fear may lead to a reduction in crime reporting, which can affect the safety of the entire community.

Student Loan Forgiveness: Biden v. Nebraska

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Image shared by naacp_ldf on Instagram

2023 was a tough year and it brought another controversial SCOTUS ruling, this time relating to student loan forgiveness. In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court overturned the Biden administration’s program to provide student debt relief under the HEROES Act. This represented a major blow to economic and racial justice as the program sought to expand student loan forgiveness.

This SCOTUS ruling specifically affects students who don’t have many resources, particularly Black and Latino students. It makes the unfairness in the American education system even worse. Essentially, the ruling sends the message that only people who can afford a good education are entitled to it, no matter their talents or dreams.

By stopping Biden's plan to help with student debt, the court has said no to lots of people who want to go to school and make their lives better. Essentially, it slows down progress, especially within underprivileged communities. Currently, a new version of Biden’s plan is underway, dubbed Plan B. It’s a broader version of the first one and it’s more focused on specific groups of borrowers to avoid the same fate as the first plan.

Terrorism and Social Media: Gonzalez v. Google LLC

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Image shared by daily49er on Instagram

In 2015, Nohemi Gonzalez, a 23-year-old American citizen of Mexican descent, was murdered during a terrorist attack in Paris, France, where she was spending a semester abroad. The day after the attack, ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack through a written statement and a YouTube video.

Nohemi’s father, Reynaldo Gonzalez, filed an action against Google LLC, claiming they aided and abetted international terrorism by allowing ISIS to use their platform (specifically, YouTube) to issue threats, recruit members, intimidate populations, and plan terrorist attacks. The complaint also alleged that Google’s algorithms helped ISIS spread its message through content suggestions, which are based on viewing history.

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the tech giants in a unanimous decision, rejecting the notion that terrorist organizations being allowed to use the platforms makes the companies liable. This is based on Section 230, which provides immunity for tech companies regarding third-party content users create. While many see this ruling as a win for free speech, others criticize the legal liability shield tech platforms have.

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We all know that when it comes to these addictive dramas, the villains steal the show with their deliciously evil antics. They're the ones who make us scream at the TV and cheer for the heroes. So, grab your popcorn and get ready as we dive into the world of telenovela wickedness. Here are ten of the juiciest, most unforgettable villains that have graced our screens and made us love to hate them!

Catalina Creel in Cuna de Lobos

María Rubio's portrayal of Catalina Creel in "Cuna de Lobos” is nothing short of iconic. With her fake innocence and murderous schemes, Catalina proves that even a visually impaired woman can be a master manipulator. She'll have you on the edge of your seat, wondering what devilish plan she'll come up with next.

Soraya Montenegro in María la del Barrio

If you haven't heard of Soraya Montenegro, where have you been? Itatí Cantoral's over-the-top portrayal of this diva villainess in "María la del Barrio" is the stuff of legends. From her dramatic slaps to her iconic "maldita lisiada" catchphrase, Soraya has undoubtedly graced us with the most iconic telenovela moments (and GiFs) of all time.

María Fernández Acuña de San Román in La Madrastra

Victoria Ruffo takes the cake as the ultimate wicked stepmother in "La Madrastra." This woman stops at nothing to ruin her stepdaughter's life. Ruffo's performance will leave you with a burning desire to shake some sense into her character. Kudos to Ruffo for making us feel so passionately about hating her!

Rubí Pérez Ochoa in Rubí

Barbara Mori's Rubí in the aptly named telenovela "Rubí" is a real gem among villains. This seductive and ambitious character will claw her way to success, leaving a trail of broken hearts and shattered dreams in her wake. Mori's portrayal is as dazzling as Rubí's craving for wealth and power.

Paola Bracho in La Usurpadora

Meet the ultimate telenovela twins, Paola and Paulina, played by Gabriela Spanic. But it's Paola Bracho, the conniving sister, who steals the show in "La Usurpadora." Spanic's performance is a masterclass in villainy, and you won't be able to resist shouting, "You go, girl!" while she plots her wicked schemes.

Teresa Chávez in Teresa

Angelique Boyer, in her portrayal of the eponymous Teresa Chávez in "Teresa," brings to life a character who is cunning, manipulative, and ruthlessly ambitious. Teresa's relentless pursuit of wealth and power, regardless of the emotional cost to those around her, makes her one of the most riveting villainesses on the small screen.

Angélica Santibañez in Marimar

As Marimar's haughty and bitter aunt-in-law, Angélica takes pleasure in belittling the innocent and unsuspecting Marimar. Chantal Andere brings an unforgettable cruel edge to her character, delivering each insult and scornful smirk with a relish that makes her role as the villainess utterly captivating.

Patricia Fernández in Yo Soy Betty, La Fea

Oh, Patricia Fernández, you conniving beauty! Played to perfection by Lorna Cepeda in "Yo Soy Betty, La Fea," Patricia is the kind of character we all love to despise. As Betty's office nemesis, she stirs up trouble with a glamorous smile on her face and an insatiable ambition in her heart. Patricia's endless attempts to rise through the ranks, often at the expense of others, makes her a villain we can't wait to see brought down to earth!

Malvina Morantes in María Mercedes

The ruthless Malvina Morantes, masterfully portrayed by Laura Zapata in "María Mercedes," is the epitome of an evil, heartless villain. Malvina's disdain for María and her relentless attempts to make her life a living hell make our blood boil. Zapata's performance will leave you shouting at your screen as she effortlessly embodies the wickedness of her character.

Tamara de la Colina in El privilegio de amar

Cynthia Klitbo's Tamara de la Colina in "El privilegio de amar" is a villainess that sends shivers down our spines. Tamara is a manipulative and relentless character, always scheming to get what she wants no matter who she hurts along the way. Her cold-heartedness and devious plots make her a standout villain.

These telenovela villains are the crème de la crème of wickedness, the cream in our coffee, the habanero in our salsa. They make us yell at the screen, gasp in disbelief, and secretly root for their downfall. These ten characters, brought to life by talented actors, have left an indelible mark on the telenovela landscape. So, the next time you find yourself captivated by a villain's evil plot, remember to appreciate the brilliance and charm that these actors bring to the dark side of the telenovela world!

Living in the United States as a Latina woman comes with its own set of experiences, challenges, and joys. From navigating cultural differences to embracing our heritage, Latina women living in the U.S. share a unique perspective. Here are 10 things that unite us:

The struggle with our dual identity

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Balancing between two cultures can sometimes feel like walking a tightrope. Dual identity feels like straddling our heritage and American upbringing, trying to honor both without losing our authentic selves. Connecting with other Latinos having the same experience can be very grounding!

The art of code-switching

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Switching between languages and cultural norms depending on the situation is second nature for many Latina women in the U.S. Whether it's speaking Spanish at home and English at work or adjusting behavior to fit different social contexts, code-switching is a skill we have mastered out of necessity.

The certainty that family is everything

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Family comes first, always. Latina women foster strong family ties and prioritize spending time with loved ones, even if they don’t always get along. From large gatherings filled with laughter and food to relying on family for support during tough times, family is the cornerstone of Latinos’ lives.

Never skip celebrating traditions

Whether it's observing cultural holidays like Día de los Muertos or embracing traditions passed down through generations, Latina women take pride in their heritage and celebrate it without reservation. From music and dance to food and customs, traditions keep them connected to their roots and it’s a great way to find community in a foreign land.

The weight of doing well

Photo by Jennifer Marquez on Unsplash

Latina women often feel the weight of expectations placed on them by their families and communities. Not to mention society! The pressure of proving ourselves in a place that may underestimate us is something that has become part of our reality. That said, it’s okay to just be. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone but yourself.

The struggle with beauty standards

Dealing with societal standards of beauty can be particularly challenging for Latina women, as we often face unrealistic expectations regarding body shape and size. That said, celebrating diverse beauty standards is more prominent than ever and it becomes very empowering in a culture that promotes such narrow ideals.

Navigating machismo in everyday life

Photo by Paul Lowry on Wikimedia Commons

Latina women frequently encounter machismo, that nasty cultural attitude that upholds traditional gender roles and emphasizes male dominance. From subtle sexism to overt discrimination, Latinas have become experts in navigating these dynamics, which adds to our self-assurance and empowerment.

Understanding the importance of faith

Photo by Frantisek Duris on Unsplash

While not all Latinas are religious, we all have some spirituality within us. For some, religion plays a major role in providing strength, guidance, and a sense of belonging. For others, practicing spirituality in the form of meditation or any other practice is a great way to stay grounded and be more aligned in our daily lives.

Juggling bicultural cuisine

Photo by Edgar Castrejon on Unsplash

The kitchen is where cultural fusion truly shines for Latina women in the U.S. From abuela's recipes passed down through generations to adding a spicy twist to classic American dishes, our bicultural takes on dishes make life quite fun. Especially for our gringo friends, who often enjoy our vibrant and flavorful interpretations.

The beauty of embracing diversity

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Latina women in the U.S. come from diverse backgrounds, representing a variety of countries, ethnicities, and experiences. Despite these differences, there's a sense of solidarity and sisterhood that transcends borders and unites us in this journey.

For some, poetry can be an escape from the world of novels and books. Talented writers have a unique ability to transport us out of our lives and into theirs with their ability to create stories with meaning. We’re highlighting some amazing Latina poets who give us all the feels and would be a great edition for your bookshelf.

We’d be remiss if we did not give Alegria Publishing a shoutout for their work as an indie publishing company whose primary mission is to nurture emerging Latina writers. Our list includes several of their publications because it’s important that we create our own Latine spaces and uplift those who are also doing the same.

“Déjame Contarte Lo Que Dice El Corazón” by Paloma Alcantar

Copyright: Alegria Publishing

Interested in words of wisdom as one navigates through the trials and tribulations of love? Paloma Alcantar’s poetry book is sure to meet your needs. Every word is beautifully written to capture all of the emotions one experiences in love, and we’re settling in for it.

“Imperfecta” by Alejandra Ramos Gómez

Copyright: Alegria Publishing

Meditations on being a woman, migrant, and a Latina. Alejandra perfectly captures what it means to live in-between two cultures and the struggles of making peace with your identity and your lived experiences.

“Corazón” by Yesika Salgado

Copyright: Not A Cult Publishing

The first of her three poetry books, Yesika Salgado has enamored our hearts with her way with words. Salgado also co-founded Chingona Fire, a poetry collective based on highlighting Latina feminist poets. We highly recommend checking out her other books entitled “Hermosa” and “Tesoro”.

“Mujer de Color(es)” by Alejandra Jimenez

Tackling everything from obstacles in expressing cultura to embracing your femininity, Alejandra Jimenez does well to tackle it all in entrancing words. Reexamine your ability to embrace your feminine strengths with this guide, it won’t let you down.

“El Poemario del Colibrí | The Hummingbird Poems” by Edyka Chilomé

Copyright: Deep Vellum

Edyka Chilomé is a Mexican Salvadoran poet, identifying as queer, indigenous, and mestiza. Her work is heavily centered around transformative moments full of meaning in her book “El Poemario del Colibrí” (“The Hummingbird Poems” in English).

“Groanings from the Desert” by Alma Cardenas

Alma Cardenas allows us a glimpse into her mind with “Groanings from the Desert”, a bilingual collection of poems in both English and Spanish. Cardenas wrote all of these works in 2020 between February and October, so there’s plenty of space for everyone to enjoy her thoughts along with her.

“The Latinx Poetry Project” by Davina Ferreira

Copyright: Alegria Publishing

If you’re looking for the end all be all collection of poetry by Latinx poets, we’re recommending “The Latinx Poetry Project”. Over 45 Latinx poets are featured in this immense collection of work centered around a variety of themes: from social justice to feminism and beyond, this book truly has it all.