10 Effective Ways to Improve Your Gut Health

Latina woman sitting at dinner table

Gut health has been on everyone’s lips in recent years because more and more people are waking up to how it affects overall health and well-being. For many out there, the key to feeling amazing every day is the gut. If your gut is doing great, you’ll do great. Want to put that to the test? Well, there are a few simple things you can do to give your gut health a boost. Make sure to discuss this with your doctor first, but here are 10 effective ways to improve your gut health:

Introduce more variety into your diet

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It’s not uncommon for people to fixate on specific foods for a long time, whether it’s due to convenience or just a matter of preference. The thing is, your gut is like a party; the more diverse the guest list, the better it will be. So it will serve you to step out of your comfort zone regularly when it comes to food. Eating a wide range of foods, especially fruits, veggies, whole grains, and legumes, will help you introduce different types of bacteria to your gut, creating a more balanced and happier microbiome.

Load up on fiber

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Fiber is like the gut's favorite snack. It helps keep things moving smoothly and feeds the good bacteria in your intestines. Foods rich in fiber include beans, lentils, broccoli, berries, apples, and whole grains. So don't skimp on the greens and grains!

Try adding more fermented foods to your diet

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Fermented foods are like the VIPs of the gut party. They bring their own healthy bacteria, called probiotics, which can help improve your gut health. Think yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, and kombucha. These fermented goodies are tasty and they will make your meals more interesting while also supporting your gut health.

For the love of God, drink enough water!

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People struggle with maintaining a healthy water intake every day, but the importance of keeping yourself hydrated can’t be stressed enough. Water is essential for every part of your body, so of course it can help your gut health. Staying well-hydrated helps with digestion and keeps your intestinal lining healthy. Instead of trying to chug a huge amount of water once a day, aim for at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day, and try herbal teas for a little variety.

Cut down on sugar and artificial sweeteners

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While enjoying a sugary snack is fine every once in a while, too much sugar can throw your gut bacteria out of balance, leading to quite a few issues. Artificial sweeteners can also disrupt your gut flora. Try to reduce your intake of sugary snacks and drinks, and opt for natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup when you need a little sweetness in your life.

Learn to manage your stress

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Believe it or not, stress can wreak havoc on your gut. For one, stress hormones can disrupt the balance of bacteria in your gut and affect digestion. Having an arsenal of stress management techniques will help you every day of your life and support your overall well-being. It will also help your gut health! Find what works for you and turn to techniques like deep breathing, 5-minute meditation, dancing, or just taking a short walk when you feel the stress building up.

Exercise regularly

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Regular exercise is fantastic for your gut and your overall physical and mental well-being. It will help increase the diversity of your gut bacteria and improve your digestion. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise, like brisk walking, cycling, or swimming, most days of the week. If you don’t like exercising, chances are that you just haven’t found the right exercise for you. Try everything at least once, it doesn’t have to be just weight lifting; even practicing a sport you love or just dancing can work.

Strive to get enough hours of sleep every day

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Sleep and gut health are closely connected, so poor sleep is another thing that can affect your gut bacteria. This can lead to issues like inflammation and weight gain. Overall, you should be striving to get enough hours of sleep every day because that’s the only way to have enough energy to function. 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep is the goal, so do whatever you need to try to achieve it.

Avoid unnecessary antibiotics

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Antibiotics are great for fighting infections, but they can also kill off good bacteria in your gut. Avoid taking antibiotics unless absolutely necessary, and if you do need them, consider taking a probiotic supplement to help restore your gut flora.

Consider taking a probiotic supplement

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Speaking of probiotic supplements, you should consider taking one every day, not just when you’re on antibiotics. Probiotic supplements can be a great way to boost the good bacteria in your gut, just make sure you discuss it with your doctor first. If you get a green light, make sure your probiotic supplement is high-quality and designed to meet your needs, as explained to you by your doctor.