Latinas Discuss Race, Identity, and the term BIPOC

Two Latinas laughing

Latinas discuss race, identity, and the term BIPOC from their perspective as Mexican immigrants raised in the U.S.

The Latino vote has been top of mind with the presidential election results still trickling in. As nearly all white news hosts try to understand that Latinos are not a monolith, we think this episode offering a candid conversation on race could help.

Inspired by this podcast episode of NPR’s Code Switch around the terms Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and Person of Color (POC), we discuss race, ancestry, and the power and limitation of words from our personal perspective as Mexican immigrants raised in the U.S. We also reflect on the effects of colonialism and colorism on our own connection to our ancestry and the diversity of Latinx experiences in this country.

We kick off this episode by taking some time to reflect on our collective resilience in getting through the uncertainty and difficulty of 2020, and offer some tips to prioritize self and community care in the coming days.

We reference a conversation between writer Julissa Arce with UCLA Professor Laura Gomez, author of Manifest Destinies: The Making of the Mexican American Race, Latinx voter data shared by Gerardo Cardava, Professor at Northwestern University, and this New York Times article written by Angela Onwuachi-Willig, a professor of law at the University of Iowa College of Law. In this episode, you will hear us recommend Isabel Wilkerson’s book The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration.

Tamarindo podcast, part of Luz Collective, is the Latinx show where hosts discuss politics, pop culture, and how to balance it all con calma, hosted by Brenda Gonzalez and Ana Sheila Victorino and edited by Michelle Andra.

Tamarindo: Reflecting on the term BIPOC, Race, and Identity on Apple Podcasts

Tamarindo: Reflecting on the term BIPOC, Race, and Identity on Apple

A Latina woman and a Latina girl, both at the same height level, gaze into each other’s eyes.

In Mexico, Día del Niño (Children's Day) is a commemorative day that honors children and promotes their well-being. Since 1925, the country has been celebrating children on April 30 through many different activities and events to entertain, educate, and bring joy to little ones. This day recognizes how important children are in society and also how essential it is to provide them with a healthy, well-adjusted childhood they can look back on. Día del Niño is also committed to promoting literacy through cultural activities and parent involvement.

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