In The Community

preschool teacher showing frustration

As a kid, one of my favorite films involved Mexicans who counted. That movie, Stand and Deliver, was inspired by the real-life story of Jaime Escalante, a Bolivian immigrant who became a celebrated calculus teacher in East Los Angeles. The film rightly brought out the fangirl in me.

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protest sign that reads, "silence encourages rapists"

I’m glad English speakers took the word schadenfreude from the Germans. Adopting it was an emotionally intelligent move. The affective vocabulary English speakers rely on is slim and I look forward to the day that we develop a language abundant enough to articulate our internal hellscapes with precision.

Until then, we’re left fumbling, unable to name so many crappy states, including one that’s been on my mind since watching a TikTok video by anti-rape activist Wagatwe Wanjuki.

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images of three women

I encountered my first pretendian on a public school playground. She was a blonde and blue-eyed ten-year-old who spent the greater part of recess dangling from the jungle gym while bragging that she was Cherokee. Her news took me by surprise, my family had known her family for years, and the more she talked, the more eager I grew to this new information about her with my parents.

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