5 Times Selena Gomez Made Us Feel Seen on TikTok

Woman stands in front of colorful background as she stands and smiles

Growing up, Selena Gomez made her way into our hearts through our TV screens. Now she’s back, claiming a top spot on our TikTok feeds. Her ultra-relatable content makes us feel so seen that we had to do a roundup of some of her finest moments.

Check them out, and we dare you not to be like, "yeah girl, you right."

  1. Showing us real bodies—and refusing to “suck that shit in.”


We love a queen who knows the value of natural bodies.

  1. Giving us three places to stay.


Good advice in general to mind your own business and out of someone’s way.

  1. Hanging out with another favorite of ours, Camila Cabello.


Two Latina icons hanging out? We’re here for it.

  1. Life’s got hands.


It's comforting knowing life is kicking everyone’s ass lately.

  1. Life is just as confusing to her as it is to us, apparently.


Everything does happen for a reason, but the actual reason seems to elude us all.

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Luz Media

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