Rosa Mosqueta Infused Glossy Lip Oil / Aceite Labial

Graphic design: A woman absorbed in a book, with a burning shelf of books in the background.
Luz Media

Whether you’re an active reader who constantly engages in bookish online spaces like “booktok” and “booksta” or you’re a casual reader, you’ve likely heard someone say, “Keep politics out of my books!” at one point or another. This statement is usually uttered when readers are confronted about the kind of authors they support or about the lack of diversity in their reading.

However, it’s impossible to “keep politics out of books” when the very act of reading is political in itself. Throughout history, literacy has been connected to radical change, freedom, and social mobility.

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Graphic design that illustrates the pollution generated by the textile industry on the planet

Today is Earth Day, a day established in 1970 to celebrate our planet and remind ourselves that, despite billionaire side rocket projects and talks about moving to other planets, trillions of humans need this planet to survive.

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