In The Community
This reporting was produced in partnership with the Northeast Valley Health Corporation.
As the largest community of people of color in the United States, the Latino population faces additional socio-economic challenges unique to them. Limited access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities are only a few obstacles to better life outcomes. The lack of access to healthcare, specifically, is contributing to the shocking increase in STD rates among Latinas.
The often overlooked issue of STDs and their disproportionate impact on the Latino population is a silent threat looming over men and women of all ages, but the numbers are rising among Latinas and it’s urgent to take action. This increase in Latina STDs isn’t only because of a lack of sex education and limited healthcare access; it’s also due to how stigmatized STDs are within Latino culture, where women are often less likely to discuss STDs with family and intimate partners.
Latinas, particularly Latina immigrants, are highly vulnerable to STDs, with studies showing that they comprise a significant portion of HIV diagnoses. Cultural factors, including traditional gender roles, machismo, marianismo, and a lack of sexual education, contribute to this vulnerability.
The lack of insurance and limited communication with medical providers further exacerbate these challenges. While the issue of STDs is often ignored concerning Latinas, the way it’s shaping and affecting Latina health is beginning to appear more frequently in public discourse.
@midwestexpressclinic If you think you may have an STD or have had unprotected sex, visit your nearest Midwest Express Clinic for quick and discreet STD testing! It’s always better to be on the safe side! #std #stdtest #health #midwestexpressclinic
A Closer Look at the Impact of STDs on Latinas
As is often the case with women within communities of color, Latina women are disproportionately vulnerable to health issues like STDs. Studies show they are 1.7 times more likely to develop high-risk HPV infections compared to other racial/ethnic groups, leading to higher rates of cervical cancer.
HIV and other STDs are also particularly common among Latinas, with HIV affecting Latinas more than other races. Moreover, 91% of new HIV cases are a result of heterosexual contact with an HIV infection rate of 4.9%, which is higher than the 4.5% rate for women overall. They’re also more likely to contract gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia. Misinformation, lack of belief in prevention, negative attitudes toward condoms, and higher rates of unprotected sex contribute to this issue, which has become an epidemic.
Luz Media spoke with Northeast Valley Health Corporation (NEVHC), a community health center based in northeast Los Angeles that offers free and low-cost STD healthcare services, to understand what patients are reporting as barriers to STD testing. When asked what Latina patients say are some reasons they didn’t seek STD testing, Marline Santana, a licensed vocational nurse in the STD Testing and Treatment program, said Latina patients tend to have a “low perceived risk, if married or in a relationship, and they consider there is no need to test for STDs/Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). It does not cross their minds that partners may be having sex with other people.”
However, this belief can prevent Latinas from getting early diagnosis and treatment. As an anecdotal example, Angie Gutierrez, STD Program Manager, shared, “One time, we had a patient come in for STD/HIV testing because she found out her husband had been using meth for a few months and had sex with her gay brother, who is also a meth user. Being married for 23 years, she never thought her husband would cheat and put her at risk, which was devastating for her. But she did the right thing by seeking immediate STD testing, and her results came back negative.”
When it comes to STD/STI prevention, Eddy Banuelos, Health Educator, offered this advice for ways in which Latinas can take control of their own sexual health, “[by] talking to your support network about why they should test regularly for HIV/STDs, having open conversations with your medical provider about sexual health, talking to your partners about condom use, not just as a contraceptive method, but also to prevent STD transmission, and taking steps to erase the stigma around STD testing.”
STD Impact on Newborn Babies
Babies are very much affected by Latino parents’ high STD infection rates. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released updated data on the overall impact of congenital syphilis–which is when the infection passes from the mom to the baby during pregnancy or during vaginal birth, where the baby can have direct contact with a syphilis sore.
What Latina moms should know is that syphilis infection in their babies can be prevented with early diagnosis and treatment. The CDC found that almost 90% of newborn syphilis cases in 2022 could have been prevented with STD testing and treatment.
Most of these cases are a result of a lack of testing and early detection, which stems from a low sexual health education and leads to improper treatment or no treatment at all. These are some of the reasons why Latino birth parents faced the highest rate of missed prevention opportunities.
Social Media Post by the Houston Chronicle
Similarly, the Los Angeles County Annual HIV Surveillance Report revealed that between 2007 and 2022, 46 newborns were diagnosed with HIV, mostly transmitted from their mothers during pregnancy. These findings show how urgently prenatal care, STD/HIV testing, and STD/HIV treatment are needed in all communities.
STD Impact on Teenagers and Young Adults
STDs pose a significant threat to Latina teenagers, young adults, and adults in the U.S., with disproportionately high rates compared to other demographics. Factors such as increased sexual activity, lack of sexual health education, and cultural beliefs contribute to that threat. However, more knowledge about inexpensive or free resources and encouraging conversations about STDs and the importance of STD testing can help turn things around.
In California, half of reported STD cases occur among individuals aged 15 to 24, with Latinos experiencing particularly elevated rates of chlamydia and gonorrhea. Among young Latina women (18-24), syphilis cases are higher compared to whites, especially in the western U.S.
Cultural and social factors in the Latino community, misinformation about STDs, and shame around STD testing make the issue worse by causing late diagnosis and inadequate treatment. That’s why it’s so important to be aware that STD testing and treatment are at the tip of your fingers. For instance, the Northeast Valley Health Corporation’s health centers simplify the process for Los Angeles County residents, who can make appointments online or by calling their Sexual Health Hotline (818) 923-9160 and get the support they need.
Are Latinas Less Likely to Discuss Sexual and Reproductive Health with Their Partners?
At the root of the stigmatization of STDs in the Latino community is a cultural shame around sex. This issue isn’t unique to the Latino culture, but it does affect people’s attitudes and beliefs about sex and, therefore, sexual health. There’s a lot of shame/blame surrounding sex and STDs, and it’s linked not only to religion and its conservative norms but also to a lack of education.
We asked the medical staff of NEVHC about shame and fear surrounding STD testing in Latina patients, and Herberth Osorio, HIV Program Administrator, said, “We do see a sense of shame or fear of being labeled as ‘promiscuous’ if they ask for STD testing. If they test positive for an STD, they are afraid to talk to their partner about it because they could be accused of ‘sleeping around with other guys’ and transmitting the STD to them.”
Not only are Latinos, especially Latina women, less likely to talk about sexual and reproductive health, but most of them lack the understanding and language to do so. Machista attitudes also prevent men from openly discussing these things, making it so much more difficult for women to broach the subject.
@sexualhealthalliance Talking to your partner about an STD test. 💬💖 #fyp #relationship #std #partner #communicationskills #healthtips
The issue is not only confined to romantic/sexual relationships. Young Latinas don’t often discuss sex or reproductive health with their parents, and they face a lot more cultural barriers than young Latinos. Traditional values regarding virginity and premarital sex create great conflict for them, making them feel like they have to hide, so they don’t openly discuss sexual health or seek related services.
When asked how NEVHC staff helps Latina patients be more comfortable discussing STDs, Osorio said, “Our health educators can have one-on-one conversations to address the stigma surrounding STD testing and discuss how they are transmitted. Moreover, healthcare providers are open to listening to their patients and addressing their concerns about when and how often to test for STDs. We also have bilingual staff, which helps increase the comfort level of Latina patients while having difficult conversations.”
These are not the only efforts the NEVHC makes to support Latinas in the community.
“We try to reflect the populations we serve and have Latina staff, including Registered Nurses, Licensed Vocational Nurses, and Medical Assistants. They can educate and empower our Latina patients to increase their knowledge about sexual health and take charge of their own bodies. Shortly, we will offer support groups in Spanish to discuss different topics around sexual health and how to initiate a conversation with partners to enjoy a healthy sex life,” added Howard Maldonado, Clinic Administrator III.
Exploring the Role of Machismo and Its Impact on Latina Sexual Health
@therapylux #machismo #toxicmasculinity #genderstereotypes
Within the context of sexual health, machismo contributes to the limited use of contraceptives among men and an overall disinterest in sexual education. As such, Latinas are less likely to discuss STD testing with partners, let alone contraception or reproductive health.
This reporting was produced in partnership with the Northeast Valley Health Corporation.
The Latino community is dealing with a mountain of healthcare issues and has been for a long time. Sexual health has been an ongoing issue of concern for the Latino population, especially Latinas, who have historically experienced high incidence rates related to STDs.
The Latino community is the largest community of color in the United States, with 62.1 million people, according to the last 2020 U.S. census. It comes as no surprise that Latinos’ quality of overall health, just like every community, is impacted by social determinants of health. This is the holistic understanding that health is impacted by the environments in which people live, directly affecting their access to health care, green spaces, healthy air and clean water, health and sex education, and quality living conditions.
We can see these disparities in our communities, which are reflected in our health statistics. For example, the study “HIV Susceptibility Among Hispanic Women in South Florida,” published in 2010, found that HIV/AIDS rates were 3.5 times higher for Latinos than for whites. The entire Latino community is at greater risk of contracting STDs, and Latinas are particularly impacted due to a lack of access to healthcare and sexual education, but also because of the stigmas surrounding sexual health.
Latino machista and marianista culture often adds an additional layer of stigma to women’s sexual behavior. One of the best ways to destigmatize sexual health within the Latino community is through education.
Contrary to what is often implied or taught, STDs are not only preventable, but they are also easily cured more often than not. Ignoring the reality of sexual prevention and health won’t make them go away, but taking charge of your sexual life will very likely keep them away.
What Are STDs?
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also known as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), are infections that get passed from one person to another during sex. The terms are used interchangeably, but we’ll stick with “STDs” throughout for the sake of clarity. STDs are usually contracted during unprotected vaginal, anal, or even oral sex.
However, STDs can also be contracted through other kinds of contact involving the mouth, vagina, penis, or anus that doesn’t necessarily involve what one considers the “act of sex.” For example, that’s the case for infections such as herpes or Human Papillomavirus (HPV) because they spread through contact alone, which means any transfer of bodily fluids such as saliva can spread the infection.
It’s also possible to get STDs through sharing needles or blood transfusions. Some STDs can even be passed down to babies during pregnancy, at the moment of birth, or through breastfeeding. In fact, from 2016 to 2020, syphilis passed on to newborns increased by 235%.
The truth is that STDs are common, but they’re preventable. They’re also treatable, especially if caught early, which is where STD testing comes in. This is particularly important for Latinas because they have a much higher risk of contracting STDs. Sexually transmitted diseases are an epidemic in the Latino community, and most of the newly infected are female.
@psblossom What is an STD? 🤔 #sexualhealth #stdawareness #reproductivehealth
Latinas at High Risk for STDs. Why?
One thing about STDs is that not all of them have symptoms. As a result, they often go unnoticed. This is precisely why regular STD testing is such an essential part of practicing sexual health.
Every sexually active person must prioritize regular testing, even if safe sex practices are followed. It’s the best way to protect yourself and your partner or partners against the risk of potential STDs.
The reality for Latinos is that regular STD testing is often easier said than done. Many factors contribute to that and pose obstacles, but there are also ways to overcome these obstacles.
1. Lack of Accessibility to Healthcare
Unfortunately, many Latinos don’t have health insurance. According to the Office of Health Policy, Latinos are less likely than whites to get insurance through their job. In 2022, Statista reported that 21% of the Latino population didn’t have health insurance.
Medicaid expansions have benefited the community, but not all states have adopted them, including Texas, where 40.2% of the population is Latino, and at least 19.4% of them live below the poverty line. But other states, like California, did the opposite and have continuously expanded access to Medicaid. Anyone between the ages of 26 and 65 can access Medicaid regardless of immigration status and receive medical care at community health centers like Northeast Valley Health Corporation.
These community health centers also see patients regardless of income, which is a huge help. Affordability is often an issue, and many Latinos don’t know that their healthcare could be low-cost or even no-cost. Given that too many Latinas who are sexually active are without health insurance, options like these health centers could be easily discoverable with an internet search.
2. Lack of Sexual Health Education
Just as the Latino community lacks access to healthcare services, they also lack access to sexual health education. Primary care doctors play an important role in that education, so having little to no access to them is already a factor. While 95% of participants in the aforementioned survey claimed to have some knowledge about STDs, their sources of information regarding sexual health were often not very reliable, informative, or educational.
Most participants obtained knowledge at school by talking to teachers and other students or through sexual education classes, which were often inadequate. They also received information from their mothers and family members, who often lacked sexual health education in their home countries.
The lack of educational resources leads to sometimes very severe misunderstanding of sexual health among most Latinas. According to a report from the American Academy of Pediatrics, Latino youths are less likely than white youths to get educated about STD prevention or safe sex before becoming sexually active.
@phdfemininehealth Remember to get tested often and use protection (correctly!) 👍🏻 #phdfemininehealth #safesex #healthtips #doctortips #gynecology
3. Stigma Around STDs
The stigma around STDs runs deep in society, so it affects every community. However, the Latino community is disproportionately affected for other reasons discussed above. The same survey we’ve been discussing showed that fear of what people may think is another factor that keeps Latinas from getting tested. The stigma is often tied to a lack of education about STDs, the terminology used around them, and common misconceptions. It’s also often linked to religious beliefs, politics, and family dynamics.
@beyondmedcares Your status does not define you & it does not mean you’re dirty. Getting an #std is a expected risk if having #sex ! #stdawareness #stdcheck #knowyourstatus #sexualhealth #gettested #stiawareness #herpes #herpesadvocate #safesex #menshealth #womenshealth
For example, a lot of people don’t know that STDs are treatable and that most require very simple treatment, especially if they’re diagnosed early. When it comes to misconceptions, a lot of people believe promiscuity is the main factor. In truth, it only takes one sexual partner.
Marital status or being in a committed monogamous relationship also has nothing to do with it. Discovering an STD doesn’t necessarily mean someone cheated in the relationship. This could be due to a long-standing infection that was never diagnosed or was symptom-free.
It’s also possible for an STD treatment to fail, erasing the symptoms but not the infection itself. The point is that whether single, married, or in a committed relationship, regular STD testing should be part of maintaining good sexual health. Getting tested while married or in a relationship is just a part of proper health care.
The stigma around STDs is also tightly linked to the language. People who contract them are labeled as “dirty,” and people who don’t are considered “clean.” Not to mention the jokes people often make about “damaged goods” and other shaming insinuations.
If you’re feeling empowered about it, talk about safe sex, prevention, and testing in everyday regular conversations because it is, indeed, very normal. But if not, it’s helpful to know that getting access to preventative support like condoms and PrEP or STD testing and treatment is often a private click away.
Community health centers, like Northeast Valley Health Corporation, often allow easy scheduling right from the privacy of your computer or mobile screen. For example, Los Angeles County residents can easily make an appointment online, and no one has to know about it.
@selfmagazine Stop immediately if the condom breaks! #SexualHealth #CondomTips #HealthTok #LearnOnTikTok #TikTokPartner
Latinas Can Take Charge of Their Health
While STDs affect individuals regardless of ethnicity or background, Latinas bear a disproportionate burden.
From HIV to chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, STDs present a significant public health challenge made worse by the silent nature of many infections, the lack of accessible testing and treatment options, the stigma and shame, and the misunderstanding of sexual health.
However, it's important to note that STDs can be prevented and treated and that Latinas have the power to change the conversation around STDs in the Latino community. More and more research shows that Latinas are known influencers for their family, friends, and community. They can take charge and spread awareness about STDs, prioritize sexual health, as well as share information on resources like free STD testing.
- Sharp Rise in STDs for Latinas Means Change is Needed - Luz Media ›
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