In The Community

A collage featuring Latine TEDTalk speakers:  Miriam Zoila Perez, Rayma Suprani, Raquel Perez, Melissa Villaseñor and Isabel Allende

In a world where change is rapid, and ideas evolve daily, these five Latine speakers bring forward compelling stories that range from daring political critiques to comedic brilliance, all delivered with fervor and authenticity.

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Pictured: Lucy Flores, America Ferrara, Gabby Rivera, Isabel Allende and Elizabeth Camarillo

We totally get the feeling of watching a random TED talk at 3am then walking around the next day with a whole new outlook on life - they’re just inspiring like that. The magic of TED talks is unmatchable. Some hit harder than others though, so we’ve gathered a few that as Latinas you’ll find yourself shedding a few happy inspired tears.

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