Border Patrol Agents Violently Remove Haitians with Horses and Reins used as Whips at Texas Border

Boarder patrol agents recklessly treating Haitians

Images and videos have surfaced of Haitian migrants being violently removed after the Biden Administration authorized the addition of 600 U.S. Border Patrol agents to respond to Del Rio, Texas. Multiple news outlets report that as the migrants were attempting to cross the river to return to the U.S. side of the border, the Border Patrol agents charged them with their horses while whipping them with their horse reins.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, attempted to push back on the reporting that the agents whipped the Haitian migrants saying that, “agents use long reins — not whips — to control their horses,” and despite photos widely circulating that depict the migrants being brutally charged and hit with both the reins and the horses.

Haitians are facing several crises in their country, including Haiti’s president Jovenel Moïse assassination that happened on July 7th, 2021, and a 7.2 earthquake that took place a month later. Many Haitians chose to seek refuge elsewhere after the occurrence of these destabilizing events.

Haitians are facing several crises in their country, including Haiti’s president Jovenel Moïse assassination that happened on July 7th, 2021, and a 7.2 earthquake that took place a month later. Many Haitians chose to seek refuge elsewhere after the occurrence of these destabilizing events.

The Biden Administration faces similar critiques the Trump Administration faced when they also turned away asylum seekers and refugees at the border.