In The Community

A collage featuring photos of Adriana Ocampo, Dr. Ellen Ochoa, Katya Echazerreta, Diana Trujillo and Monsi Roman, the latinas shaping U.S. space exploration

In the vast expanse of space, where galaxies twirl and stars shimmer, there’s a human story that is as captivating as the universe itself. This story speaks of incredible courage, unyielding determination, and groundbreaking achievements. It's the story of Latinas in the U.S. Space Program. From blasting off into the cosmos to developing the technology that makes space exploration possible, Latinas have been shaping our journey to the stars for decades, turning science fiction into reality.

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Get Inspired: Latinas in STEM You Need on Your IG Feed

Ever notice how our lives are chock-full of tech and science, from your morning weather app check to that latest space movie? This is the magic of STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. But have you ever wondered about who's behind all this cool tech and mind-boggling science? Well, we've got some numbers that might surprise you.

Despite making up 8.1% of the U.S. population, Latinas only represent about 3% of the STEM workforce. Yep, you read that right – just 3%! But don't let that small number fool you. There are some absolutely dynamite Latinas in STEM out there. And the best part? They're sharing their journey, their work, and their genius right on Instagram. So grab your phone and get ready to hit that follow button!

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Katya Echazarreta

Katya Echazarreta is making her space debut as the first Mexican-born woman to do so on Blue Origin’s NS-21 flight.

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