In The Community
April 1 was Census Day, but according to the Census’ website, only 36.2 percent of the country has responded as of March 30. Latinos are the nation’s second largest population group, but according to The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund, the community is historically undercounted in the census. NALEO wants Latinos to “chill and fill” out the 2020 Census to ensure that the Latinx community is represented.
There’s still time to respond to the questionnaire as you practice social distancing in your house during the COVID-19 (aka coronavirus) pandemic. The U.S. Census Bureau initially planned to send enumerators (aka census takers) door to door to interview residents who didn’t fill out the form, but modified the plan and suspended field operators until April 15 due to COVID-19. Everyone can participate online, by phone or by mail. Some of the paper questionnaires were mailed in English and Spanish, but the questions are available online or by phone in multiple non-English languages, including Spanish.
The census matters because the data collected determines funding for community resources for the next ten years. Funds for infrastructure like roads, social service programs and education are determined by the census, as well as the number of seats in the House of Representatives and congressional and state legislative districts.
The questionnaire includes nine questions about everyone who lives in your household the majority of the time, including babies born on or before April 1, 2020. Your response is strictly confidential, so your information will not be used against you or handed to any law enforcement. You will not be asked for your social security number, bank account or your citizenship status.
Most households received an invitation in the mail last month that included a 12-digital code to fill out the census online, but you can still fill out the questionnaire even if you don’t have the code or didn’t receive the invitation in the mail.
At the 2020 Census’ website, click the green button that says “respond” and then click the blue button that says “start questionnaire.” You can enter the 12-digit census code you received in the mail or you can select “if you don’t have a census ID, click here” underneath the blue login button and verify your physical address.
If you plan to fill the census online, ensure you have time to complete it in one sitting. The Census website notes that it doesn’t save progress, so once you start, you must finish, but it should only take about ten minutes to complete. To fill out the census by phone, call 844-330-2020 any day of the week from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. Eastern time. If you would like to respond in Spanish, call 844-468-2020.
The last day to fill out the census was extended until August 14, 2020. Since President Trump extended social distancing until the end of April, take a break from spring cleaning and Netflix to get counted and participate in the 2020 census.
Sponsored Partnership with NALEO Ed Fund Census 2020
Invitations to participate in this year’s U.S. Census are starting to arrive in mailboxes across the country and The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund is leading an effort to ensure a full Latino count. NALEO Director of National Census Program Lizette Escobedo told Luz Collective that historically, the Latino communities have not been accurately counted, so her goal is to change that this year. With Census Day quickly approaching on April 1, here are some reasons why Latinas should get involved.
Representation matters.
It’s becoming more important than ever to see people who look like us in pop culture and in public office. Our communities were under counted in past censuses, but according to NALEO, the Latino community is 58.8 million strong. We are the nation’s second largest population group. There’s power in numbers. It’d be hard to brush us aside if we show up for the count.
You can fill out the census while you’re in self-quarantine.
During this vital time of social distancing from the coronavirus, you can fill out the questionnaire from inside the comfort of your home. You can fill it out online, by phone at 1-844-330-2020 or the old school way by snail mail.
There are only nine questions.
That’s it. Nine simple questions you should know the answers to like your name and your birthday. Everyone who lives in the household the majority of the time, including children, must be counted. The questionnaire won’t ask you for your social security number, your bank account, or credit card numbers so be on alert for anyone asking for this on behalf of the census. No census document will ask for this information.
Your information is safe.
The census may ask for specific details about everyone who lives in the household, but the Census Bureau is required by law to keep your answers strictly confidential. Your information won’t be used against you or handed to any law enforcement. US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (who we all know as AOC) confirmed this with the 25th Census Bureau Director Dr. Steven Dillingham himself.
There is no citizenship question.
Despite President Donald Trump’s initial efforts to discourage non-U.S. citizens from participating in this year’s census, (thanks to the Supreme Court), the census will not ask about your citizenship. Everyone living in the U.S. regardless of their residency status, counts.
There is no language barrier.
To ensure everyone can fill out the census, the census’ website offers the questions in 59 languages, including Spanish. Some of the paper questionnaires are mailed in English and Spanish.
The results could bring more community resources.
The information collected from the census is used to determine federal funding and resources directly for your community, such as educational grants and healthcare, within the next decade. The data is also used to determine the number of House of Representatives seats for your state as well as draw congressional and state legislative districts. These lawmakers also decide what to provide to your community, so it is important to vote for officials that will best serve you.
Your mother counts, your daughter counts, you count. Online, by phone, or by mail, responding to the Census has never been easier, even while practicing social distancing. The 2020 Census will determine how resources will be distributed in your community. That includes, schools, parks, and even hospitals. So stand up and be counted today because they’re counting on you to participate.For more information about how you can participate in #Census 2020, text “LATINASCOUNT” to 97779.