In The Community

Graphic design that illustrates the pollution generated by the textile industry on the planet

Today is Earth Day, a day established in 1970 to celebrate our planet and remind ourselves that, despite billionaire side rocket projects and talks about moving to other planets, trillions of humans need this planet to survive.

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Latina woman wearing large hoop earrings, set against a vibrant, colorful backdrop

Any look can be brought together with the right pair of hoop earrings – especially for Latinas. But what significance do they have to us besides making the outfit work?

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Portrait of a vibrant Latin woman in a colorful shirt against a sunny yellow backdrop.

The way we live today, with all its consumerism and social norms, can be traced back to the industrial revolution. This period of rapid change led to the rise of capitalism, a system that emphasizes profit and the production of goods on a massive scale.

As capitalism took hold, it brought with it a culture of greed and a constant need to sell and produce more. This drive for profit also led to the birth of many of the social norms and stereotypes we still see today.

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