7 Latina Influencers who Are Successful Entrepreneurs

Graphic design featuring 7 Latina women influencers and entrepreneurs: Michelle Phan, Lele Pons, Yovana Mendoza, Dulce Candy, Bethany Mota, Katy Roach, and Paola Alberdi.

Yovana Mendoza (@yovana)

Portrait of Latina influencer Yovana Mendoza

Formerly known as “Rawvana,” Yovana Mendoza is a Mexican-American influencer in the health and wellness space with 1 million followers on Instagram. She gained attention online for sharing her raw vegan diet until her health started suffering. It became clear that the “healthy” lifestyle she was advocating wasn’t healthy at all when she developed SIBO, which is excessive bacteria in the small intestine. This led her to experience bloating, have severe stomachaches, and even lose her period and hair. Based on medical advice, she started incorporating animal protein into her diet and prioritizing her health. Then, she rebranded to just “Yovana” and is actively working to promote a balanced lifestyle. Not just with the brands she partners with, but also through her own products, including her app Simplefit.

an image of a woman being photographed by paparazzi

This article is part of a series developed in partnership with Project Pulso.

In the spotlight of Hollywood, where image and perception often hold the reins of success, many Latino artists and actors have found it necessary to "whitewash" their names. This practice, which involves changing their typically ethnic-sounding names to ones that are more anglicized, has been prevalent for decades. But what is the reasoning behind it?

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Image of a woman sitting on the couch with a thoughtful expression

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