A Simple Guide to Building Your Day of the Dead Ofrenda

ofrenda for day of the dead
Photo by Chris Luengas

Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead), celebrated on November 1 and 2, is a deeply meaningful time to honor loved ones who have passed on. Rooted in Pre-Hispanic traditions, the celebration centers on building an ofrenda, or altar, as a way to celebrate life and death. So learning how to build a Day of the Dead altar is essential to participating in this tradition.

Building an ofrenda might seem complicated at first glance and, in some cases, grief can also make everything seem more difficult. But if you’re looking to honor and remember your loved ones, here’s a simple breakdown of what you’ll need to build your ofrenda.

But First, What Is the Structure of the Ofrenda?

a table is filled with ordinary itemsPhoto by Roger Ce on Unsplash

Day of the Dead focuses on the passage of souls from the plane of the living to the plane of the dead. With that symbolism in mind, an ofrenda has three levels that represent the journey from earth to the afterlife. The top level represents heaven, the middle level represents earth, and the lower level represents the underworld.

Top Level: Heaven

photos on a table surrounded by candles

Photo by Alberto Lara

The top level is the spot for religious symbols such as crosses, rosaries, or images of saints. This is meant to welcome the spirits and bless them on their visit. Photos of loved ones are also placed at the top as a focal point. This is meant to identify who the ofrenda is for, so the spirit arrives at the right place, and it’s also to let your loved one know they’re remembered and cherished.

Middle Level: Offerings

food on a table

Photo by Bruno Cervera

The middle level of the ofrenda is dedicated to the offerings you want to make to your loved one. This is the spot to place the dishes and drinks they enjoyed most in life so they can enjoy them once more. It’s also the place where you put any cherished items of the person you’re building the offering for. For example, something they made themselves or things like their favorite jewelry.

Lower Level: Practicality

pictures on a table surrounded by food

Photo by Bruno Cervera

The lower level is where you place candles, salt, and water, which are elements that represent purity and refreshment. The candles are meant to light the way for them, salt helps the souls purify, and the water is to quench their thirst after their journey from the spirit world. Flowers can be placed on the lower level as well and the traditional option is marigolds, known as the “flower of the dead.” Their bright color and scent are also believed to guide spirits back to the world of the living. Spread petals on the altar or use them to create paths leading up to it. It’s also common to place mirrors on this level, to help the dead see themselves when they return.

The Four Main Elements of the Ofrenda

flowers surrounding a decorative skull

Photo by Marco Ramos

Your ofrenda needs to incorporate the four elements–earth, wind, fire, and water because they represent life. Earth can be represented by items like a piece of carpet, sand, rocks, or dirt. It can also be represented by food, including traditional foods like tamales, mole, fruits, and pan de muerto, which is a traditional sweet bread with crossbones-shaped decorations, or even sugar skulls.

Wind can be represented with papel picado (traditional paper banners), which are very colorful and vibrant. But it can be left out if it's too complicated to make or find some. Fire is represented by candles, which are meant to guide spirits to the altar and then back to the afterlife when the celebration is over. Water can be represented with a glass of water, which will also serve as a refreshment for the spirit after their long journey.

Make Your Ofrenda a Beacon of Your Love

table decorated with candles and other items

Photo by Chris Luengas

Do you have photos of your relatives for the altar? That smiling photo of your papá, mamá, tía, tío or your abuelos. You can also add anyone who you want to pay respects to or any inspiring people who’ve gone through your life. If you don't have a photo, you can include a paper with their name written on it, or any other item that symbolizes their presence.

Remember, this day is to honor the people who’ve left a footprint on your life journey. At the end of the day, a photograph or symbol of your loved one, candles, and a table to put everything on is all you really need to build your own ofrenda and celebrate them.

Ofrendas are unique and beautiful, so get as creative as you want, add papel picado, pan de Muerto, your loved one’s favorite drink and foods, flowers, calacas, a lot of candles, and make it as colorful as you desire. There are thousands of ways to mix it up but ultimately, as long as it's meaningful for you, it will be meaningful for them.

Remind yourself that they will appreciate the effort and intention. Just keep your beloved people in mind and your ofrenda will look and feel fantastic!

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This article is part of a series developed in partnership with Project Pulso.

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