In The Community

a woman at a desk with a calculator and sketches behind her

You know that feeling, right? You dive into a hobby, get hooked, and suddenly you're sharing it with your family and friends. Next thing you know, they're all like, "Hey, you should totally make money from this!" So there you are, sidetracked with business plans, logos, branding, and bank accounts. And suddenly, that thing you adored? It's more stress than fun. How on earth did we end up here?

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2023 Latina Wage Gap Improved Slightly: Is Social Media Helping Improve Salary Transparency?

In the digital age, we've seen social media platforms totally revamp how we chat, stay updated, and have fun, and despite the growing amount of research indicating the harm social media causes, the platforms have managed to be useful tools for advancing positive social change. One big topic they're tackling? Salary transparency.

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an image of a woman with her head in her hands looking frustrated

The financial narrative of Latina women is more than just a story of numbers and economic data. It's deeply intertwined with histories of marginalization, inherited wounds, and the complexities of intersectionality. For Latina women, their financial experiences and challenges do not only pertain to their personal choices or immediate environments; it also carries the weight of generational money trauma.

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