4 Refreshing Limonada Recipes To Beat The Heat

a woman with sunglasses laughing while holding a glass of water with a lemon wedge in it

Whether you're basking under the sun on a hot day or simply craving a zestful drink, there's nothing quite like a tall, icy glass of limonada to tickle your taste buds and cool you down. Here are five of the best and most refreshing limeade recipes from around the world:

How To Make Brazilian Limeade (Limonada Suíça)

This is a unique, creamy twist on a classic lemonade, quite popular in Brazil. It's also a wonderful showcase of limes, which are often more available in Brazil than lemons.

You’ll need:

  • 4 limes
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 6 cups cold water
  • 6 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk

How to prepare:

  • Wash limes thoroughly, cut off the ends, and slice into eight wedges.
  • In a blender, blend limes, sugar, and water until well-mixed.
  • Strain the mixture, add condensed milk, and stir well. Serve with lots of ice.

How To Make Colombian Coconut Limeade (Limonada de Coco)

This tropical fusion is a staple in the coastal regions of Colombia. It combines the creaminess of coconut with the citrusy freshness of limes.

You’ll need:

  • 1 cup fresh lime juice
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 4 cups of ice

How to prepare:

  • Blend all ingredients until smooth.
  • Taste for sweetness, adjust if necessary, and serve immediately.

How To Make Aguapanela (Colombian Sugarcane Limeade)

Another traditional Colombian drink, this version of limonada is sweetened with panela (unrefined whole cane sugar), giving it a rich, earthy flavor.

You’ll need:

  • 4 limes, juiced
  • 1 cup panela (or substitute with brown sugar)
  • 6 cups water

How to prepare:

  • Dissolve panela in water over medium heat.
  • Once dissolved, allow it to cool.
  • Mix the lime juice with the panela water, and serve with ice.

How To Make Suero (Mexican Homemade Gatorade)

This homemade electrolyte drink is popular in Mexico, often used as a hydration remedy for a bad hangover. It’s refreshing, revitalizing, and perfect for those hot days or post-workout sessions.

You’ll need:

  • 1 lime
  • 12 ounces mineral water
  • 3/4–1 teaspoon of salt

How to prepare:

  • Pour mineral water into a highball glass, add salt.
  • Squeeze in juice of one whole lime, stirring until salt dissolves.
  • Optionally, add ice, and serve while still cold.

Now that you've explored all these delicious ways to make limonada, all that's left to do is to grab some limes and start squeezing. Enjoy!

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