You know that feeling, right? You dive into a hobby, get hooked, and suddenly you're sharing it with your family and friends. Next thing you know, they're all like, "Hey, you should totally make money from this!" So there you are, sidetracked with business plans, logos, branding, and bank accounts. And suddenly, that thing you adored? It's more stress than fun. How on earth did we end up here?
It makes one wonder: how much of what they do is driven by a genuine love for their craft, and how much is influenced by society's constant message to turn their passions into profit? Why is it such a challenge for us to appreciate someone's talent without pushing them towards commercializing their skills? We’ve probably all been guilty of it at some point.
We're quick to throw around advice like, "You should totally sell those!" or "Why not mix up the colors and rake in more cash?" We mean well, for sure. But what we often miss is how much our well-intended remarks are molded by the whole "buy, buy, buy" mindset. Consumer culture's sneaky like that – making you feel like you're nailing it only if you've got your own biz or you're juggling a million things, even if you're burning out in the process. Don't get us wrong – we're all for those "treat yo' self" moments, but none of us should feel pressured to turn every source of joy into a money-making venture.
In a consumerist-driven world, we might be better off finding joy in things that are simple, without spiraling down a rabbit hole of business plans or dealing with all that legal mumbo-jumbo. Maybe that buzz we're chasing when we think about starting a business can actually be found in just vibing with our hobbies, no strings attached.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of us stumbled upon some cool new hobbies. It was a welcome change of pace, just what we needed to stay sane during those seemingly endless lockdowns. But in case you missed the memo, your hobbies don't have to be turned into a side gig.
Sure, your hobby could potentially bring in some serious cash, but then again, it might not. It's time we break away from the hustle culture myth that tells us if we work ourselves to the bone, we'll magically erase those student loans or achieve instant financial stability. In reality, pushing too hard might just lead to faster burnout and add even more stress to an already tough situation.
Ultimately, only you can decide what's right for you, but we're here to remind you about the importance of self-care and offer a friendly reminder: it’s okay to embrace your passions purely for the joy they bring.
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