Paulina Aguirre on Using Music as a Healing Outlet and Driving Force for Social Change

two women, Lucy Flores and Paulina Aguirre, in a podcast booth

Paulina Aguirre is a Latin Grammy winner, voice actress, and founder of Mujer de Fe. She discusses with host Lucy Flores her journey to reaching her artistic goals and helping other women reach theirs.

Video Transcript:

Speaker 1: (00:06)

[opening music]

Speaker 2: (00:06)

I’m Lucy Flores, host of Jefa status where we talk to boss Latinas and dig into what makes them tick, what motivates them, what pisses them off, what drives them forward. Basically the how, the what, the why. The point of Jefa status is to bring to the world all the ways in which Latinas are reaching their own Jefa status and what that means to them. What’s fascinating about all these conversations is how often being a boss Latina includes empowering and helping other Latinas to find their better selves. Our guest this week, Paulina Aguirre is another amazing example of that work in action through her foundation Mujer de Fé. Now Paulina Aguirre is a four time Latin Grammy nominee and one time winner and founder of Mujer de Fé. The foundation’s mission is to empower women dealing with issues such as anxiety, depression and abuse, and the organization also works to help women by assisting in their intellectual and spiritual development and providing them with the necessary tools for personal and professional progress.

Speaker 2: (01:11)

Paulina, thank you so much for joining us. We’re so excited to have you. Thank you so much, Lucy. I’m very happy to be here this morning. Thanks. Yes. So as, as my approach on this show, I like to get into the details of the journey. Um, I think it’s so important to talk about how people got to where they are. It’s, I think it’s something just very human nature to constantly compare ourselves to where people are now and not really think about all of the challenges, the obstacles, the, the time, the effort, right. That it took to get there. So let’s do that first. Tell us about your background. You’re from Ecuador? Yes, I am from a very small country, Ecuador in South America, so people don’t know where Ecuador is, but it’s in South America and I was born in the capital Quito. Oh, okay. Yeah, I come from a family of writers, actually my, my grandfather, he was a journalist.

Speaker 2: (02:03)

He used to work for the editorial department and um, and my other grandfather, he was a, um, a teacher and uh, my great grand-uncle, he is, um, probably the most famous or yeah, songwriter or composer of my country. So I somehow have the blood into, into that and also opinion that my mom used to work for a president in my country and she’s 80 now and she had me in her forties. Wow. So I kind of grew up with all the intellectual and the writing and composition, uh, art side. Right. So you got that influence pretty early on. So how did you then make it to the United States? Well, um, in the beginning when I was 13 years old, um, my uncle, he used to live in Chicago and he said he offered my brother, uh, he told my brother, like, why don’t you come to the, you know, to the States to, you know, maybe you can go to high school. And I said, no, no, no. I mean, he want to, but I want

Speaker 3: (03:00)

to go. And yeah, my brother didn’t want to go. He was very, you know, just a homey boy. Yeah. But, uh, but I, I went to Chicago without my parents when I was 13 and I went to high school and that’s when I just discovered a whole new world about music, about, uh, you know, arts. And I just felt like this is my place, like the United States at the time. And so you came all by yourself? With my uncle and his wife and it was a little hard in the beginning and, but I just felt like this is what I want to do. I mean, what I want to do music. I, I participated in a talent show when I was 13 and I won third place. And uh, that’s when I knew that I wanted to do music and I wanted to be in the arts field for my life.

Speaker 3: (03:44)

And so then tell me about that. So then you ended up doing, you got the bug, but you had that influence already pretty early on in your life and your, you’re living in Chicago. Yeah. At 13. Yeah. So then I went back to Ecuador because of course I was like very young at the time. I was 16 when I went, um, back to Ecuador. And, um, and then I just started, you know, like working in everything that was possible, doing jingles and I work in, in some television and doing everything that was possible to do at the time. But, you know, Ecuador is such a small country and at a time, I mean, you didn’t really have the resources to the music because I mean, that was not a career. So I, um, I started working like in different things. I even worked for the government. I was a teacher.

Speaker 3: (04:26)

I used to choreograph, I did like so many different things to be able to, you know, keep up myself. Um, my parents were going through a rough time in their lives with their finances, so I needed to work. And then, uh, eventually I got the visa back and I was able to come back to the States. But it was like a real dream because I kind of like, um, you know, I had a pray one day and it was like the very first Latin Grammys. And I remember Juan Luis Guerra winning the Latin Grammys that day. And my friends, they told me like, um, you know, Paulina, come and see it, watch it with us. And I said, no, no, no, I’m just going to get depressed because this is like a, that’s a dream that I would love to, I would love not to win a Grammy, but I just would love to the music and really be able to do what I’m good for.

Speaker 3: (05:10)

And it just like seems so impossible because I don’t have the resources. It’s just, it just is just a dream. So I don’t want to watch it. So I remember that I went to my room and I started praying like for two hours and I said like, God, if you think that ever, I’m going to be able to do this. So um just help me and let me go back to the States. If not, let just give me the passion to be a good teacher. Whatever you want me to do. I mean just, but I, if I, if I don’t do it, I’m going to die. Right. And then, well, every, all the pieces move. Finally I was able to come to the States. And then, uh, well I met my husband. Um, he’s from Ecuador, but he was already working with artists such as Luis Miguel, Marco Antonio Solís and different people, but we were friends.

Speaker 3: (05:53)

So that was kind of like the beginning in the route. Yeah and what was that like after you got back? I mean, it’s, you know, it’s always interesting to me. It’s like, you know, we kind of, um, we hear these stories and it’s like, I went from here and then I went to there and then, but you know, when you get here you think about it, you know, you came to LA, you, um, you know, obviously my, your husband, but you know, what were you working, you know, like what does, what does that day to day look like in LA, you know, after being in Ecuador. Really heard. Yeah, I can imagine. Right. So like what, you know, I always think about all these, especially living here in Los Angeles, you have all these aspiring actors and singers and entertainers and they’re all so talented and they’re just kind of like trying to live until they get their big break. So I saved $3,000. That was what the money that I had. Okay. So of course, after four, four months been in Los Angeles, I had no car and it was just every time getting difficult. So, um, I had this offer that, uh, Pablo, my husband was my friend and he said, you know, they’re looking like for, um, kids’ voices and they’re looking for some characters and I said, I know how to do that. Like, please hire me. Yeah. Did you actually or you were just like I’ll figure it out. No no no. I can do a kids voice, old person, adult.

Speaker 3: (07:06)

Whatever i’ll do it. No I did the voices for Los Solecitos, which was a, uh, you know, like, um, product that Univision had, and I did like a, the voices for, uh, the uh, there were five of them and I did the voices for five. One of them was called sole amigo and I used to that “hoy amigos” and not just like different voices. There was a smart one that was like, [inaudible] so i mean always have like, you know, like the gift of doing voices. I mean, and the thing is that I just, you know, and thank God, I mean I send like my demo, like singing and also talking and they hire me for eight albums. Wow. That was like the first album I was able to buy my salvage car. And then, you know, I started to make a living, but it was really hard. I mean, every day I was like praying like please, like, please don’t let me go back and just be ashamed that nothing happened with me.

Speaker 3: (07:56)

I mean, so then when this thing happened, I was like so excited and proud and, and then I started my journey and also doing, you know, uh, I started working, um, I met, um, Kenu Brian, who is, um, he’s a vocal coach for and vocal producer for Celine Dion. So I, he took me to work with Alberto Ortica. I worked with Michael Bublé, Marta Sanchez with all these artists. So it was kind of like, you know, for, so for a newbie in Los Angeles, and when you heard that that was a dream and you know, I mean, it was a dream for me. I was like, so I was just like in this biggest studios and working, I was like, Oh my gosh, I cannot believe that this is happening to me. This is really happening to me. So it happened and, and I started working and then I, you know, I started writing my own material. I mean, I always, uh, you know, I always did it, but this time it was like, ah, I’m going to write something that I’m going to do for myself. That’s incredible. So true story. I don’t really use my, my iPod, like my iTunes on my phone, all that often.

Speaker 2: (08:56)

I use like Spotify or other things, so I just don’t really know how to work it. I don’t have a subscription, it’s whatever. But I have a bunch of songs downloaded and my car, because the phone is on Bluetooth, sometimes it automatically just loads by default the iTunes. And the first song that comes on that I’m just like, and I don’t know how to get rid of it because like I just don’t have the time to figure it out. And I literally just switch it over to, you know, the service that I’m using is, Abrazame by Paulina Aguirre. Aw that’s so nice.

Speaker 2: (09:31)

And no kidding sometimes because it literally plays every single, almost every single time I turn on the damn car and there you go. You’re like, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh. You know, the way it starts i’m like no more Abrazame Paulina. I’m just like, shut it off. So you’re literally play in my car every single time. It defaults to my ITunes. So it was like so excited when I heard that you were going to come on. I was like, Oh my gosh, I’m going to tell her to stop telling me about Abrazame all the time. It’s an amazing, song. You know, obviously, um, that’s such a great trajectory. Just a great story.

Speaker 3: (10:11)

I, I, well, I the, I just think that, um, uh, you know, writing in composing music is such a gift. And as every other gift that people, I mean, we all have a gift and we have to recognize and really be able to, you know, see ourselves through the gift that we have been given. And I think sometimes when you get depressed or frustrated is because you’re not fulfilling your call. Right. I, um, you know, last year I was having a talk with Marco Antonio Solís who’s a good friend, and he was telling me like, uh, Paulina, I need to talk to you and I need to tell you this. And he said, you know, I always tell my daughters that for them not to expect to be like me, but because maybe that can happen that maybe not, but you cannot be, um, uh, you have to be faithful to your call, right?

Speaker 3: (10:54)

You have to fulfill it. So don’t, not thinking what is going to happen. Like you’re going to get all the awards and all the things. So, so, you know, I’ve been trying to do that. As soon as I came to Los Angeles, that’s when I wrote my first album Mujer de Fe which got nominated on 2007. And I did that album out of, uh, you know, my obviously appreciation for, for, for God, for my appreciation of faith. And, uh, knowing that I was coming, uh, you know, to Los Angeles, where you really exercise that faith and that difficult, uh, in a difficult city. Right. You know, so, and then I recorded my second album Esperando Tu Voz. And it was in a time of a, you know, I was living, uh, in a, in a desert time, in a, in a time where I was not seeing it, things happening in.

Speaker 3: (11:37)

I wrote that and then I won the Grammy with that one. And um, and I, and I think, um, w and then the F the third one ne, uh, Rompe el Silencio is an album which I was nominated as well. It gets into more of the social thing because I’ve always, you know, I worked for the government, I was talking to Maria and I told you a little bit about it, the it when you work in the field with people and I have, um, you know, I, I was twenty two and I was working there with, transportation department and I have elders, uh, people, you know, with a lot of needs. So then that, that I think at you exercise like that, the cold that I think when, uh, if you’re not involved somehow with a community, you’re not really exercising your faith. Right. Right. So, um,

Speaker 2: (12:21)

and yeah. And it seems like that’s then where, um, you know, following not only that call to your music, but that desire to give back, that desire to work with the community, maybe because of your experience working in the government, but also just in your community and you know, like following those things that, that fulfill you as you were saying. So is that, what did that, did that prompt you, or in what ways did that prompt you to start the foundation and tell us a little bit about, um, Mujer de Fe. So well what happened is

Speaker 3: (12:51)

when I started with the first album, Mujer de Fe and then all the music that I, I started writing for women. I write for women. And that’s my passion, you know, and I started having, um, you know, emails and uh, you know, just messages from women that were telling me like I was raped and, uh, you know, I come out of our Christian community and I just can’t talk about it because I, it’s shameful. And other people, like, you know, my, I’ve been raped inside, um, since I have memory and I live in Mexico. And, uh, when I heard that song, Abrazame I dunno if I didn’t kill myself because I was afraid or because I’m a coward and I mean, I have this words in my head like, you know, and then I started having this messages and of course I didn’t like have a degree as a psychologist or social worker or anything like that.

Speaker 3: (13:41)

But then you make a field because of the need. And that’s what happened with Mujer de Fe foundation. Um, you know, I am very grateful to from BMI because she helped me to open like, um, you know, uh, you’d be part of it, but also, you know, help me to open somehow, um, you know, the, the field to do or the voice to do with other women. Um, and, uh, this BMI events that we had in Beverly Hills or different places just in the city in Los Angeles to somehow have a, you know, uh, be a voice with other women about what’s happening with abuse and other, uh, you know things..

Speaker 2: (14:17)

Right. And so tell me about that. Like, what kind of, um, work does the foundation do? I know you did recently, I think it was in twenty sixteen you also did some outreach to and, and, um, fundraising for the earthquakes that, that occurred in Ecuador. Um, but you know, what’s the, I guess what’s the thing that you find most common that you end up, um, working with or doing through the foundation? Well, um, basically the way that, how we’re not a center because to have a center you need

Speaker 3: (14:48)

to have like the lobby ability of the people that are working in, you know, I mean for the foundation, right? So we decided to open like a, let’s say like a Facebook or a resource center where a woman can get into, you know, Mujer de Fe foundation. We’re actually working on that this year, so it’s not ready, all the things. But we were like thinking how are we going to make it work because we’re doing different things. But where we helped out on the earthquake, we have done several events, but we didn’t know how to, you know, really be, um, useful. Sure. Yeah. So what we did is like, um, so we, uh, been talking to several, um, professionals in the field of psychology, doctors, attorneys. So they are somehow, um, you know, being part of the foundation, uh, pro bono, let’s say that they have a Wednesday from two to five or two from six they have available.

Speaker 3: (15:42)

So they opened that time to help pro bono other, I mean women. So what they do is like women getting to the page and they say, I need a psychologist and, and their zip code is this. So then they see that this professionals are available on these days. That’s incredible. Is a resource center basically because that was the best way because I had a lot of online though, not in a building, right. So not in a building, because a lot of people were telling me like, you know, I’m a doctor and I want to help and then I am a psychologist. I want to help. I’m an attorney, I want to help. So how do you unite all this professionals in one building when you are in the world? Right. So that where we’re working. Um, you know, we’re trying to be, um, uh, is strategic and everything that we do because it’s a little complicated, but it is not as complicated as to have a center.

Speaker 3: (16:29)

Right. It’s is a little easier. So mainly that’s our goal in 2019 to really be able to have a very, um, um, just clear and objective resource center so women can really be helped and find the professionals they need. And is there a certain need that you see more than others? Yeah, well, um, I think, uh, well domestic violence definitely is a, is a problem. I was doing a project with the UN and uh, reading about the statistics in the, and especially in Latin America, so Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, definitely we had a lot of uh, um, uh, situations on 2018 women that were murdered you know by their husbands who are partners. So, uh, definitely domestic violence is a, is a, is a problem but we’re doing, um, you know, we’re working also through music. So one of the projects that we have with jails that I would like to share some time with you and maybe we can do something. Absolutely. But is like to really, um, you know, women cannot go out of jail, but we can build a booth, you know, movable, you know, portable move, booth where we record, uh, women and we do like a music project where they are, you know, singer songwriters and they do that.

Speaker 3: (17:44)

Yeah. That’s incredible. Actually in Ecuador, there is, um, radio station that is a built in jail. Wow. So women, they have a podcast and they have a program, I don’t remember the name, but I cried with them. I went to visit, visit this women in a, in Quito, eh, and um, and they loved my music and they said like, you know, we have this program and we are reaching so many people, so many women outside and we’re just telling them

Speaker 2: (18:11)

their stories. Yeah. And it’s just such an incredible outlet, you know, I mean, we, we know that when people are incarcerated that there’s so many different things that we could do to help them better themselves because eventually you’re going to get out. Right? I mean, I think like, you know, there’s people don’t really think about the fact that if you incarcerate someone for two years, five years, ten years, fifteen years, even thirty years, they’re eventually going to get out. And when they get out, we want them to be not worse, but we want them to be better. We want them to be healed. We want them to be, you know, just a better people with job skills and all the other things so that they can actually be productive when they get out. And, you know, it’s so mind boggling to me when I find out how little resources, um, incarcerated people, especially incarcerated women because incarcerated women, people also don’t recognize that women, the population of inmates has been growing faster than any population.

Speaker 2: (19:07)

Right? So we’re incarcerating women at a much faster rate than we’re incarcerating everybody else and you know, and, and they have such distinct needs when it comes to, you know, their families and maybe they have children and women tend to be, you know, the, the center of these, of households, especially Latinas, you know, and, and so I just, your idea’s amazing. I’m, I would say I’m surprised that there isn’t already something there, but I’m not, you know, if nothing like that exists, I know that I’ve, I’ve definitely heard of, um, uh, like video production and, uh, video storytelling and those types of programs within California. I’m not, I’m not sure about the rest of the country, but there’s a few of those types of programs. I think they’re focused on men’s facilities. Um, but it’s pretty surprising that we haven’t thought about expanding that into music, given that it’s just such an incredible healing outlet

Speaker 3: (20:01)

for people. Yeah. I mean, if you, I think if you go into, you know, um, a facility, you’re going to find many talents, you know, and I have a friend that she works with, um, prostitutes, you know, and we call them the street workers over there. And, um, when, let’s say that they want to, many of them want to quit their job, obviously. Right? But when they, uh, how do they apply to a job? What is their resume? Right? So we don’t do something as a community, you know, like, um, really, uh, train them or teach them to do something or, uh, I know that there is programs,

Speaker 2: (20:48)

obviously there should be some, yeah. You know, I haven’t been able to go to a facility here, but if we don’t do something as a community in which is let them be, I mean, we’re not doing, you know, part of our call as, as, as human beings. That’s exactly right. We do have to be involved in community. When I think when you’re involved, you know, in the community, you’re less sick, you’re less, your ego is, uh, you know, disappears or is less and, and you really feel that you’re doing something for, for, you know, uh, for your genera as, as you know, women and also as a human being. Yeah, absolutely. Well, that being said, let me switch gears just a little bit. You were recently an international judge on the talent show, The World’s Best with James Corden, RuPaul and Drew Barrymore, and you were representing Ecuador. And you know, one of the other issues that we have when it comes to Latina in our community is that there’s just so little representation in mainstream media.

Speaker 2: (21:47)

So, you know, the fact that you were included on this really incredible mainstream show, um, that is super entertaining and reaches probably millions of households in the country. What is your approach to appearances like this? I mean, you’re already incredibly talented and musician, artist, Grammy winner, you know, so you already have your platform. It’s expanded even further when you get to be on a show like this. How do you feel in terms of, um, you know, your obligation to kind of be the representation for Latinas given that there’s, there’s just so little of it, you know, we don’t see ourselves reflected in much of anything, you know, and then when we do, it’s in all of these really terrible stereotypical ways, you know, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a housekeeper or being, you know, it’s all honorable work, but that’s not all we are.

Speaker 2: (22:44)

We’re so much more. Right. So how do you feel when you, you know, kind of like, what’s your approach is it’s super high pressure. Do you feel like you’re the ambassador for all Latinas ever? You know, so what, well, I, um, you know, I always, uh, somehow, um, you know, when I worked for television and radio, I was always like a production or I was an anchor. But are you on radio? You, you’re not really being seen. Right. You know, so, so, well, you found all these people that they had all this amazing costumes and I was like, just like somehow a regular normal person. And, um, and I was bringing basically my talent and my criteria about real work, so, and that feel, I felt like I really had something to say about music and about talent, uh, because, uh, you know, I’m a singer songwriter. Um, uh, for me it’s not like, uh, uh, actually when I won the Grammy, I was overweight. Like, I’m still a little bit though,

Speaker 3: (23:46)

but, but at the time, you know, I was a, you know, not with a best dress. I was, you know, overweight. That was when they asked me on the red carpet. So who’s the designer? And I said, Neiman Marcus, I mean, that was the name of the store so I was not trained, like all the people that were in that place because they are used to television. You know, in my case, I knew that what I had, it was based on a lot of work. My criteria was based on effort and talent. So when I had to speak, I spoke out of the abundance of my heart, which was real work. And I think that, um, a lot of women, they have to some somehow, you know, break that silence and fear and be able to, you know, experience and experiment on. Um, sometimes he didn’t tell us that they, they, uh, they just are afraid of trying because they been in the house for so long that I have a friend, she is from Korea. Uh, her name is Kathy, Kai or khacki or something

Speaker 3: (24:48)

her talent name. So she was my, um, you, you were, um, you know, dancing tap, you know, in the same class and one day I told her, you know, I’m doing, this Broadway thing. Why don’t you try, you told me that you were an actress and I was like nah that’s been too long. I’m too old. So, well, she’d try it out and she got into the, now she’s doing a lot of Broadway things. So I think you have to give it a try. You know, you have to give it a try. If you have a talent, don’t be afraid. Don’t be scared. Really give it a try and try to do the best out of you. And I know we live in a difficult city. Sometimes finances might be a problem, but I think dreams are never impossible for the people that have faith and really work, you know, as strongly and they’re, you know, in their capacities and everything is possible.

Speaker 3: (25:28)

Everything is possible. And you’re going to break down those impossibilities when you do have faith. Yeah and you feel like when you have the opportunity to be included in a platform that reaches so many people, that all you can do is just, just be your authentic self. Just be you. And, and by virtue of you of people seeing you, especially if Latinas seeing you, you know, kind of gives them that extra effort. Like she did it, I can do it too. We were just very few there. I mean, yeah, we’re like, I think two Latinas and um, and a friend from Mexico, Alberto Vellie and a guy from Panama and a guy from Columbia came for a little bit from Broadway. So yeah, we were just not very many Latinos and especially Latinas. But yeah, it was a, you know, I think, uh, we all did a good job and I, I’m very proud that I was taken into consideration. And what’s your experience been like in terms of, you know, you mentioned, you know, Hollywood is not an easy place, but what’s your experience been like in terms of being a Latina and, um, you know, most of your music is in Spanish, right? Um, and like, you know, right now we are having such a, we kind of had a little bit of a increase, like a a boom cycle for Latino music, maybe like, you know, ten, ten or so years, ten, fifteen

Speaker 2: (26:43)

years ago, and now we’re experiencing another one and all of a sudden, you know, Latino is popular again, you know, although obviously we think it’s always been popular. Um, and we all, we have been popular even if we haven’t been acknowledged. Right. But how do you feel in terms of just the experiences that you’ve had, you know, is it, has it been tougher because you knew you were like Spanish language first or you know, what’s that been like in terms of just, um, you know, trying to fit in? If you will.

Speaker 3: (27:11)

Well, I think as sometimes you’re going to be a stereotype in, um, uh, maybe in any job, but I think talent always speaks out. So, um, I’m not, uh, the type of person to be, you know, uh, I’m not fearful. I’m never afraid. And I work, uh, you know, that’s kind of like my flag. I know where I come from. You’d have to know where you come from. Right. Because that’s your strength. Right. And I’m proud that I come from a family that, uh, they’re writers, they’re composers. And when I try to, you know, I’m in a place, I know what I’m bringing. And I think you have to be proud of who you are. I mean, like people that come from, uh, different parts of Latin America, they have to be proud of, uh, what they’re bringing, that we’re not coming to take, uh, from the scenes by we’re coming to bring in and build and, uh, you know, and give to the community. So, uh, I think we have to be clear about who we are, what we’re bringing.

Speaker 2: (28:08)

Yeah, absolutely. One thousand percent. Okay. So we’re getting towards the end. So one of the things that we do, um, is we do quick fire questions and they’re the same. So we ask everybody the same questions. Um, so no right or wrong answer, just whatever comes to mind. Okay. And whatever it means to you. So your thoughts on being a boss, Latina. So name a boss Latina, who recently inspired you? Uh, Ana Navarro. Okay. All right. Any particular reason why? Well, because,

Speaker 3: (28:43)

um, I mean she is, she’s not afraid of about her comments maybe. Um, a lot of people can think that. She can go out of line sometimes, but she, uh, I think she has been setting a, I mean she’s a Republican supposedly somehow, but she’s a Democrat as well, so somehow I feel like that as well. It too. And I like the way that, uh, you know, she confronts people and that she’s funny authentic, apologetic, just says what’s on her mind. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Okay. That’s the way I write music too.

Speaker 2: (29:12)

Yeah there you go. You have to. Um, what do you think is a signature trait of a Jefa?

Speaker 3: (29:20)

Um, someone who know when someone who wa, uh, sees herself in the mirror and know who she is.

Speaker 2: (29:28)

I love it. Absolutely. Um, all right, a little on the, on the flip side here. Who deserves a mal ojo this week? Oh my gosh, there might be too many. Oh my gosh. Donald Trump. You know, I feel like that I’m going to get that answer a lot. He definitely deserves a mal ojo pretty much every single day, multiple times a day. So I agree. Um, awesome. Well, Paulina, it’s been an absolute pleasure having you. Thank you so much. Um, just for some followup information, how can people find you? Are you on social media, Instagram, Twitter, or where, where are you, how can they find you? Instagram Paulina Aguirre Music. I’m also on Facebook Paulina Aguirre Music on Twitter. Paulina Aguirre 7. Okay. And your website for or information on the foundation.

Speaker 2: (30:21)

And where can we download your music? Well, if you go to Spotify and put Paulina Aguirre, Paulina, like a Russian name somehow. Yeah, you’ll, you’ll, you’ll find Spotify. And other, yeah. And note to the listeners. If you put her on your iTunes, and it’s the first Abrazame because it’s an a, you will get Paulina every single time you turn on your car and your iTunes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. And, and unless you figured out how to mix it up do not do the alphabetized list. Let’s take the mal de ojo, I mean, I want to give out buen ojo to everybody. There you go. That’s right. Yeah. You know, maybe we will start with mal de ojo first. That way we can end on a, on a positive note. And even Donald Trump needs a buen ojo you know why because he needs to take lot of decisions he needs buen ojos, I’m going to give him a buen ojo. Agreed ok.

Speaker 1: (31:12)

[closing music]

Graphic design that features an illustration of Doña Marina, La Maliche.

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