In The Community

an image of a girl in a first communion ceremony

I was inducted into the Catholic faith pretty much straight out of the womb, starting off at this Catholic primary school in Mexico when I was just six years old. I was pure Play-Doh back then, ready to be shaped and molded. There I was, learning the Holy Bible like it was basic arithmetic or the ABCs.

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a man telling a woman to be quiet while he watches tv

Experts in science and mental health have consistently shown that a person's mental well-being is largely shaped by their environment, lifestyle, and other factors. Beyond this, there are deeply ingrained social constructs rooted in cultural norms, such as machismo and marianismo. While many might be familiar with the concept of "machismo," "marianismo" might be less understood. How do they differ?

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Mi Mamá Es Machista, Now What?

I grew up being told, “you can’t do that because you’re a girl,” or “your brother can because he’s a boy,” and I hated hearing that. It’s been something that has tormented me my entire life.

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